The pain was suffocating, a crushing weight on my chest. I yearned to lash out, to scream until my voice was raw, but the words wouldn't come. All I could do was stare at the woman who had broken my trust so completely.

Time seemed to lose its meaning. The bustling pub faded into a blurry canvas as I grappled with the wreckage of my emotions. Finally, the silence became unbearable.

"Get out," I rasped, my voice barely above a whisper. The words, devoid of anger, held a chilling finality.

Lizzie looked up, a flicker of hope momentarily lighting her eyes. "Ingrid, please..."

But I couldn't bear to see the hope morph into pleading again. I stood up, the movement unsteady, my legs shaky. My gaze flickered between Lizzie, crumpled on the floor, and Cara, who stood awkwardly to the side. Neither deserved a reaction, not right now. I needed air, space to process the emotional earthquake that had just leveled my world.

Without a word, I pushed past Cara, the brush of her shoulder sending a jolt through me. The crisp night air hit me like a slap, momentarily clearing the fog in my head. I stumbled down the street, my feet pounding the pavement in a desperate attempt to outrun the storm within.

The city lights blurred as tears finally burst forth, hot and stinging against my cheeks. Each sob felt like a physical blow, leaving me breathless and raw. Betrayal wasn't a new concept; I'd seen it from afar, witnessed its destructive path in the lives of others. But experiencing it firsthand, the searing pain of it, took my breath away.

As I walked, my mind replayed the past months like a broken record. Every missed call, every stolen glance, every unexplained absence – they all made sense now. The guilt I'd carried for suspecting Lizzie, for questioning her loyalty, evaporated, replaced by a bitter understanding.

But amidst the anger and hurt, a new emotion surfaced: confusion. Cara. Her sudden appearance, the video, the way she watched our confrontation unfold. Was she just a bystander, playing the concerned friend? Or was there more to her story?

Doubt gnawed at me. Lizzie, the girl I knew and loved, wouldn't have confided in Cara about Robbie. Their dynamic had always been strained, laced with a quiet tension I never quite understood. Yet, here she was, the supposed hero delivering the truth bomb.

The walk turned into a run, my body seeking solace in physical exertion. Exhaustion eventually caught up with me, forcing me to stumble into a park. Collapsing onto a deserted bench, I wrapped my arms around myself, the cold night air seeping through my thin jacket.

The sky above, a tapestry of stars, seemed to mock my despair. What did it all mean? Was love just a cruel illusion, a game of manipulation? As I stared at the twinkling constellations, a flicker of defiance sparked within me.

No. I wouldn't let them win. This wasn't who I was. Lizzie's betrayal, however devastating, wouldn't define me. I would pick up the pieces, mend the shattered fragments of my heart, and emerge stronger.

But the question that haunted me remained – who could I trust now? Cara's motives were suspect, and Lizzie...well, Lizzie had shattered my trust more thoroughly than I ever thought possible.

As the first rays of dawn painted the sky with streaks of pink and orange, a decision crystallized within me. I wouldn't choose between them. I wouldn't let either of them dictate my future. I needed a clean slate, a chance to rediscover myself outside the entanglement of their drama.

With newfound resolve, I pulled out my phone and dialed a number I hadn't used in weeks. It was Gerry, my one constant source of unwavering support. The line rang once, twice, and then her familiar voice filled my ears.

College Days [Elizabeth Olsen]Where stories live. Discover now