Part 9

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The four of us sat there with our eyes glued to the TV, occasionally made comments about what was happening on the TV. I was sat in-between Naomi and Lizzie. Naomi had made herself comfy by resting her legs on mine which were propped up by the coffee table in front of me. I had Lizzie snuggled into me on the opposite side. I started to feel a bit tired so I leaded my head on top of hers. As I did she let out a content sigh, which made me smile. 

Lizzie was ruffling her hand in the bag of sweets she had chosen in the corner shop, I watched as she put a handful of the sweets in her mouth and the returned her hand into the bag, she then held her hand towards my mouth without looking at me. I look the sweet from her and then put my arm around her allowing her to snuggle more into me. 

After a couple of episodes I snake my hand into my pockets to reach my phone to see what the time was. At this moment Gerry was flat out in her beanbag that she had adopted as her chair every time we watch something. Lizzie was drifting off to sleep every so often and then would wake herself up every so often. Naomi was still glued to the TV, occasionally making eye contact with me wiggling her eyebrows whenever Lizzie was napping against my side. 

As I looked at my phone screen I saw that it was 3am. I squeezed Lizzie into me as she was drifting off again, she looked up from the screen to look at me and I moved my head in direction of my room to suggest it was time for bed and she nodded tiredly. I tapped Naomi's legs that were resting on mine as a signal to move them. 

'We are heading to bed' I whispered to Naomi as helping Lizzie up not wanting to wake Gerry.

'See you in the morning' She whispered back before me and Lizzie both said goodnight to her. I held Lizzie's hand and guided her through the kitchen door and then down the corridor to my room. As we arrived at my door I was shuffling around in my pocket to find my key card as Lizzie lent her head on my shoulder. I finally found it and ushered Lizzie into my room.

I turned the dim lit lamp on my desk on as we entered my dark room, not wanting the harsh main room light as we were both shattered. I pull my covers back and Lizzie slid into my bed effortlessly. She snuggled into the pillow on the far side of my bed and was flat out asleep instantly. I gave her a soft smile before turning around and quietly getting my oversized t-shirt from my draw. Knowing that Lizzie was sleeping, I stripped down to my underwear and then placed the oversized shirt over the top.

I then returned to my desk to turn off the lamp and then guessed my way through the darkness to find my bed. I slid in and turned on to my side facing Lizzie's back as it is the best position to get to sleep. Just as I was settling to sleep I felt Lizzie lift up my arm and put it around her waist as she shuffled up against me. I smiled, leaving my eyes closed and inhaling the familiar smell of her shampoo from her hair. Special friend  I thought to myself as I fell asleep being the big spoon. 


The next morning, I got woken up by Lizzie stirring next to me. I rubbed my eyes before I met eye contact with the beautiful American next to me. 

'Good Morning' I smiled as I stretched both arms in the air whilst giving a yawn. 

'Good Morning' Lizzie mimicked my accent as she looked up at me grinning. 

I looked down at her shaking my head whilst smirking. Her eyes were sparkling from the light from my blinds hitting them. After admiring her eyes, my eyes scanned the rest of her face. The fact she was this beautiful after a couple of hours made my heart skip a little. I could tell that she was also looking at me the same way I was to her I could tell that she had looked into my eyes and how they then moved to my other features. 

She seemed to be in some sort of trance whilst examining every little detail so I decided to snap her out it as I turned towards her and began to tickle her. She let out a soft laughter as she tried to fight away my fingers that were tickling her arms. 

'Ingrid stop!' She said brokenly through her laughs which made me tickle her even more giggling along with her. I eventually stopped and at this moment I realised that at some point during the tickling match I had straddled her. I look down at my position as I realised how I was sat on top of Lizzie's waist. My eyes wonder from her waist up to her face. She was smirking, at this moment in time I did not know what my facial expression was other than I could feel my cheeks blushing a bright red. 

Without any warning, Lizzie's arms snake around my back pulling me down so that my lips met hers. Her soft lips danced upon mine however there was a initial shock on my behalf where I didn't join in. After a few seconds I knew this is what I wanted and my lips moved in perfect harmony with hers. I feel the release of her arms from around my back and even though she was still kissing me I decided to break away. 

'I'm sorry' I mumbled as I got off from on top of her. I positioned myself on the edge of my bed and turned away from her. I lowered my head in to my hands. I was nervous. I wanted this so badly but at the same time I wanted to take this slowly. I felt Lizzie shuffle around in bed and then come to sit beside me. Her hand rubbing patterns on my arched back.

'No, I am sorry. I shouldn't of done it' she replied, even though my head was in my hands I could tell that she was looking at me and she still drew patterns on my back with her nails, this made me feel at peace. 

'Please don't apologise, I enjoyed it. I just ...' I sighed whilst I turned to look at her.

'just?' Lizzie took my hands and rubbed her thumbs over the top reassuringly. 

'I really like you Lizzie but the whole thing about liking girls is really new to me. I wanted to take it slow so I don't ruin it. Even though I have only known you a couple of days, the thought of messing up petrifies me and ...' I lifted my head from where I was staring at our hands to look at her face. 

'I have never liked a girl like you  before, never mind be with a girl before' I exhale waiting for a response from her. She squeezed my hands before letting them go.

'Ingrid, we can take things slow from now on I promise, I like you enough to create some boundaries until you are a bit more comfortable' She gave a reassuring smile.  

'But that's the thing, now we have kissed, its all I want to do with you' I bit my lip whilst we made eye contact with each other. 

'Then lets stay at where we are now, we are special friends' Lizzie smirks. 

'Ah so that's your definition' I giggled in response.

'Something like that, I've had my eye on you as soon as Ed introduced me to you' She smirks as she lies back down on my bed. 

'Are you sure you are okay at where we are with this then?' I questioned as I sat cross legged on my bed facing her.

'I mean we hang out together everyday and have slept in the same bed for the past two nights, so I am pretty happy with where we are at' she smirks. 

'Exactly what friends do' I smiled back

'Exactly. But if I get an impulse to kiss you like our moment a few minutes ago, I am not holding back' She said as she pulled me to lie next to her. 

'I won't complain I guess' I blushed. 


Hope you have all had a great day!

So here is the next chapter 

I am going to try and get the next few written! Like previously said its a fluffy book but times are tough and we need some happiness!

see you in the next chapter 


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