Part 14

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I could hear the abrupt sound of Lizzie's alarm starting but my body already knew it was too early to open my eyes never mind actually get up so it was my body's reaction to stay lying with my eye shut.

'Ingrid come on it's time to get going if we are going to catch this train' Lizzie shook me, that's when I remembered it was Friday and that we were going to London for a few days to see her sisters and to carry on my 21st celebrations.

'Okay Okay' I stretched my arms up as I slid for out of my warm bed. I gave Lizzie a quick hug and kiss on the forehead as she was stood ready in the middle of my room with her coat and shoes on ready to leave.

I quickly put on the outfit that Lizzie had picked out for the night before, probably because she knew that I would have been half dead when I woke up. She was right to do so, I was extremely disorientated not knowing when the last time I woke up this early was.

Once ready, we left my flat as quite as possible not wanting to wake any of my flatmates up. I turned and held the door as it shut so it would be quiet and then continues to follow Lizzie to the lift, dragging my small suitcase behind me.

The walk to the train station was extremely short with it only a five minute walk down a hill. We had got there with plenty of time, found our platform and I left Lizzie with the suitcases as I ran to the coffee shop in the station to grab a coffee each. I needed the caffeine more than anything at this point. We sat on a stone cold bench holding our coffees for warmth when the train eventually pulls into the station.

I handed Lizzie my coffee so that I was able to carry both of our suitcases on to the train, she gave me a smile as she led the way on to the train trying to read the little numbers above the seats to find the ones she had booked as I fitted our suitcases in a case holder which was in eye sight distance from where Lizzie was sat in our seats.

By this point it was around 7am and the two of us were going to have a busy few days including meeting her sisters that evening. Lizzie looked at me with a tired smile which I knew meant that she wanted to use me as a pillow. Before she settled down I quickly got myself comfortable pulling my phone, earphones and tickets out my pocket as I knew once she lent on me, she was going to go to sleep and I didn't want to disturb her after that.

I lifted my arm over her shoulder and pulled her in and used my coat as a blanket for her. After plugging my earphones in to my phone I offered her one of the earphones and she accepted, I could tell she had successfully put it in her ear as she rested her head back against me. I gave her a little kiss on the top of her head. I looked down and smiled at the situation, even though there was no more dominant person in relationship I felt I needed to look after her, when I know she is with me I know she is safe and it gives me this satisfying relieved feeling.

We arrived at Euston station in no time with it only being a two and a half hour train ride. We were both awake as the train pulled to a stop. I helped Lizzie up and putting everything back in her handbag. I reached both of our suitcases off of the rack and carried if down from the train and then placed it on to the platform for Lizzie to take hers off me.

'Hey, its okay, I know where to go' I reassured Lizzie as she looked overwhelmed with the rush of people following us as it was rush hour where lots of people had arrived at station and were push past each other racing to get to work. As a child I had come to London nearly every summer, my dad had taught me the underground well so if I ever got lost I had a rough idea.

We needed to get on the central line to get to where were staying as Lizzie had booked somewhere in the heart of London. I knew from the fact that we had to go on this underground tube at this time of day was not going to help Lizzie's overwhelming feeling. I held her hand tightly as we both dragged our suitcases towards the elevator so we could get on the right level for the underground. Every time parts of the station got busy I could feel Lizzie tense up so in return every time I felt her getting overwhelmed I would gently rub my thumb across her hand that I was holding to give her reassurance that it will be fine.

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