Part 30

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The cold air hit my face as we left the bar. I turned to Lizzie as she yanked my arm. We started to walk in the direction of home.

"How come you wanted to leave so early?" I asked. If I was being honest I wasn't ready to leave I wanted to stay and have fun with my bandmates, let them get to know Lizzie a bit better.

"I'm just tired and want you to myself" she already had gone back into this new moody tone. I felt my heart sink as I thought we were going to go out together or spend time together but I could sense that we were just going to go back to the flat and sleep.

"Ah right" I rolled my eyes with a sigh. We began the walk up the hill. The walk remained silent and not the nice kind but the awkward kind.

"What did you think of the gig?" I asked. After noticing that Lizzie was not going to start a conversation.
"Oh yeah it was really good. All three songs were brilliant. Your singing in the last one was really good, the lyrics were really interesting, is it true you wrote it?" Lizzie was referring to Sweet Nothing. The song I did write, entirely by myself after Lizzie had told me that she cared about me then walking off leaving me along because Robbie had rang her.
"No, he was just trying to give me credit, he came up with most of it" I lied. It was easier than admitting lyrics such as 'it's not enough to tell me you care, when we both know, the words are empty air'. It didn't seem like it would go down well.

"You guitar playing was amazing too, I was really really impressed" Lizzie smiled, her mood almost changing again, almost as if she was relieved I didn't write that song with us in mind.

"Thanks, I've been messing around with my electric guitar a lot recently" I confessed.
"Will you play for me when we get back?" Lizzie asked as we reached up to campus. I nodded.
We dropped by the guild to pick up my two guitars before heading back to my flat. Surprisingly hand in hand.

As we enter the flat, my flatmates were all sat around in the living room. The all looked surprised as I walked through the door.

"You're back early!" Gerry commented as I walked towards them, Lizzie still holding on to my hand.
"Life as a rockstar to tiring?" Naomi joked.
"Ignore these two Ingrid, I thought you killed it up there! The electric guitar really suits you!" Fern called out from her arm chair.
"Thanks Fern! Nice to know one of my housemates had something nice to say" I sarcastically commented.
"Do you mind if I practice a bit in my room?" They all didn't mind so me and Lizzie went to my room. As soon as we got in, Lizzie instantly goes into her drawer and picks out her oversized hoodie. Then begins to walk up to before getting undressed. A smirk appears in my face as she is clearly trying to tease by stripping off and then covering back up. She then slips into the bed.

"I'm ready for my one to one performance" Lizzie smirks. Her head leant on the headboard as she looked over to me. I shook my head and then took my guitar out of its case. I plugged it into my mini amp that lives at the side of my desk so that I could control the volume a bit better.

"Thanks for having me out here guys. My name is Ingrid. I'm going to play you something a bit new" I mimicked that there was a massive audience in front of me, this earnt a giggle off Lizzie.

I played the intro of chords a couple of times before getting on to the lyrics I had been working on.

"Don't take this the wrong way, you knew who I was every step that I ran to you" I began to sing quietly.
"Would things be easier if there was a right way. Honey there's no right way" Lizzie was swaying to the music smile plastered on her face.
"I fall in love just a little more little bit everyday with someone new" I wasn't too sure how I just came up with the lyrics but it flowed so well.
I carried on the song and as soon as I finished I earnt a round of applause from Lizzie.

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