Part 16

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We pulled up to our apartment, I got out the car quickly first as I would be the least likely to get recognised. I unlocked the door to our apartment building the looked back around to notice no one around. I waved to tell the three Olsens it's safe to leave the car. Ashley half dragged a drunk Mary-Kate in the right direction of the door.

As we got in to our apartment I helped Ashley put Mary-Kate to slump on the couch and I then walked over to the kitchen area to get Mary-Kate a glass of water. Lizzie ran to our room and returned with joggers and a hoodie and helped Mary-Kate get changed. Ashley was on a call with Michael, she explained where they were and that in a couple of hours he will come with security to take them back to hotel when the paparazzi had left.

"The party hasn't stopped just because we left there does it" Ashley smirked.
"What you thinking?" I replied as Lizzie was still tending to Mary-Kate
"Reckon I'll get notice in the little shop on the corner" Ashley questioned. The shop was literally just outside the door to the apartments, she must have spotted it as we pulled up.
"We can go together" I smiled knowing I had created a bond with both sisters even if one won't remember in the morning.
"Sorted" she winked as she grabbed her coat.
"Hey baby you need anything from the corner shop?" I walked over to Lizzie as she had just finished putting one of my hoodies on Mary-Kate.
"Alcohol I will drink, snacks, something for MK to eat so she sobers up please" she kisses my cheek as I reach for keys.
"Oh and milk if you want a cup of tea in the morning" She called as I walked through the door with Ashley following me. I raised my thumb up to signal I heard what she said.

"You make her really happy you know" Ashley sighed as we walked into the lift.
"Honestly she makes me really happy like a totally different person" I replied back. It was nice to think her sisters could see I made her happy.
"I'm sorry about MK by the way, she's such a liability when we go on nights out" Ashley chuckled as we left the lift and headed towards to door.

We reached the corner shop within a matter of steps. I grabbed a basket and grabbed the milk and snacks Lizzie asked for and some mixers for the alcohol. I take the basket to the till and Ashley looks behind the shop keeper where the liquor is kept.
"We'll take a bottle of Smirnoff, Jack Daniels and what will Lizzie drink?" Ashley turned to me at the last part.
"Malibu please" I replied to the shop keeper.
He scanned the bottles not even realising that there's a celebrity in his shop. Ashley pays and he hands the blue plastic bag over, you could hear the bottles jingling together.

We power walked back to the apartment still not being noticed. I let out sigh a relief when we entered the lift as I knew from that point forward no one word see her.

We walk into the apartment to see Lizzie refilling Ashley's glass with water and Mary-Kate was sat upright with her head in her hands.
"Hey baby" I give her a quick kiss as I walked past her to put the milk in the fridge and then emptying the bag on the island in the kitchen area. I pick up a sandwich from the pile of food and walk over to Mary-Kate to give it to her.
"It will help I promise" I held it in front of a sobering Mary-Kate. She gave me a soft smile as she took it from me.
"What you drinking?" I asked Ashley who was not sat next to Mary-Kate.
"Whisky on ice please" she sat back on the couch running her hand on her sisters back as she ate.
"What are you having baby?" I went behind Lizzie who was still in the kitchen area, looking at the snacks me and Ashley had brought. I linked my arms around her waist and kissed on the shoulder. She let out a little hum. I looked up and raise my eyebrow at her and she blushed.

I let go of her and reach to a couple whiskey glasses from the cupboard and then a taller glass for Lizzie. I filled all the glasses with ice and returned to the counter Lizzie was leaning on watching me.
I pour the whiskey generously in the two whiskey glasses and then pointed at the Malibu in front of me, silently asking if that's what she wanted. She gave me a soft nod and I pour a shots worth and filled the rest of the glass with Cola. I passed the glass over to her and carried mine and Ashley's drinks over to couch where the twins sat. I placed the glass in Ashley's hand and then sat in the opposite sofa with Lizzie. I put my arm around her and she snuggled into my side.

"Lizzie put some music on" Ashley said from the other sofa. Lizzie connected to the Bluetooth speaker that was on the side board at the other end of the room. We chatted for ages, me and Ashley had gotten through the bottle of whiskey and very slowly the alcohol was starting to get to my head.

I decided to go to the toilet just to have a moment to compose myself. I was leaving the bathroom when I over heard a conversation between Lizzie and Ashley.

"We need an answer soon Lizzie!" Ashley sounded a little stressed.
"I know I'll talk to Ingrid about it sometime this weekend" Lizzie sighed, my heart dropped as it has something to do with me. I decided to walk in and as I did they stop talking and just stare at me.
"Talk to me about what?" I questioned as I went back over to where me and Lizzie sat.
"Nothing to worry about" she smiled gently before placing her arm around my neck. I looked at her confused and she just smiled again. I looked at Ashley who gave me the same smile which made me suspicious.

"Who's improved your music taste" A much sober Mary-Kate mumbled at Lizzie as my playlist played.
"Good songs aren't they" I smirked.
I finished off the whiskey from my glass and stood up.
"Next bottle" I asked Ashley and she nodded. I picked up Lizzie's glass and made her the same drink again and walked back to where they sat.
I pour Ashley and Mary-Kate a couple of shots of Smirnoff. They shot at the same time, I was just about to pour another one but Mary-Kate declined as she finally just felt better.
Me and Ashley on the other hand had a few more shots. After a few moments of chatting, I began to feel my head starting to sway with the amount of alcohol in my system.

'Here we go one more Ingrid' Ashley clinked glasses with me as I drank it in one.
"Right, come one Ashley. Micheal has just messaged" by now she was a lot more sober.
The two girls grabbed their coats after they had put them on. They gave me a hug and then Lizzie. We then followed them to the door Lizzie passed Mary-Kate's clothes to her as she was still in the clothes we had borrowed her. I felt my head feel drowsy again, I lent my head on the door frame as we waved good bye to the twins.

'Right then baby' I turned to her as I shut the door. I lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I walked her up to our room as she giggled I squeezed the back of her thighs where I was holding to keep her up. Again I could feel the alcohol getting to my head as I nearly stumbled on the last step making Lizzie hold me tighter.
I placed down on the bed and crawl on top of her kissing her lips down to her jaw and then down her neck and along to her shoulder where she had enjoyed me kissing previously in the night.

I wanted more so I stood up ready to take my clothes off and I drunkenly stumbled. She stood up to help me regain balance, due to being unsuccessful she sat me down on the bed and unzipped my jumpsuit. She then turned around to my suitcase and pulled out one of my oversized T-shirt's I sleep in.
She came back to where I am sat and straddled me pulling the tshirt over my bare body.

"But you said later we could... you know and we were getting to the .. fun part" I pouted knowing her putting my T-shirt over me meant the fun was over.
"And you should of thought about that before drinking a litre and a half of liquor with my sister" Lizzie stated whilst getting changed into another one of my T-shirt's.
"But honestly I'm fine! Ready for action!" I fake saluted to her and then pulled her back on my lap so she straddled me.
"That's great I'm glad you are but I'm not with the amount you've drank" she sighed.
"I want to make sure you know what your doing that's all" she kissed my nose and dismounted my hips.
"Fine your loss" I smirked as she went to turn the lights off.

She slipped into bed next to me and I laid my arm out ready for her to snuggle in. She did as normal. I pulled her into me and started to kiss her not wanting to give my chances up. She kissed me back but once it got a bit heated she pulled away.

"Goodnight Ingrid. I love you" she turned away as a final nothing is going to happen because your drunk. I pulled her in as I normally do when we go to sleep.
"I love you too princess" placing a single kiss on the back of her shoulder.

So what does Lizzie have to speak to us about?!?
See you in next chapter :D

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