Part 4

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We both stumble over each other as we walk down the stairs of her block of flats. As we approached the door to exit the building I held my arm out to press the button which opened the automated doors. Lizzie and I were holding hands, as we step out into the crisp September air I instantly felt Lizzie's hand tense with how cold it is.

I let go of her hand and take off my leather jacket I had worn to the party and held it open so she could ravel herself into it. My leather jacket with her joggers was a questionable fashion statement however she still looked beautiful to me. Within this moment in time all I could think about is how far would things have gone if Ed hadn't knocked on the door.

As we stood at the edge of the pavement waiting for a car to pass, Lizzie looked up at me and smiled. I was a tiniest bit taller than her however I liked it as I felt like i could protect her. I wrap my arm around her waist and look both ways and see that it is now save for us to cross the road. I grab my key card out ready to be able to open the door into my flat.

As I open all the doors I drag a tired Lizzie who is still carrying her pillow and yawning. I press the button to summon the lift and we both step in. We are in the lift for a couple of moments where we exchange a few words but it was mostly a load of rubbish due to the amount we have both drank. We get back to my flat and I open the door to the communal space where the other girls are now sat in their comfier clothes.

'Welcome to our humble abode' I say dramatically as Lizzie follows me in and walks over to the other three girls who she had met in the party. I stand and smile as I see them all getting along well and then take note that I am the only one still in party clothes. I walk past the girls sat down and head towards my room when Lizzie looks behind her with a concerned look on her face. I give her a wink and put two fingers up to indicate i will be two minutes and she smiles and then continues to talk to the other girls.

Within two minutes I returned with my pjs on and an oversized hoodie in my hands for Lizzie to wear so she is more comfy. I threw the hoodie over to her and the other girls making teasing noises with Lizzie just laughed off. I squeezed myself between Fern and Lizzie putting my arms around both of them.

'So when are we ordering food? I need something to sober me up' I stated whilst I looked around at the other four girls in a similar state to myself.

'I need something greasy and hot or I will have the worst hangover ever!' Naomi said dramatically whilst she pulled out her phone to search for a menu. Meanwhile Gerry had positioned herself in her beanbag and was in charge of entertainment as she flicked through Netflix in order to find something easy to watch.

The phone got passed along all of us to add to Naomi's order. I had added a chicken Kebab with lots of garlic mayo as it was my secret prevention for not getting a hangover the next day. I passed the phone to Lizzie, her face looked so confused as she began to read the menu.

'I have no clue what half of these things are!' She gave up and looked at me. I began explaining what certain things are on the menu in disbelief that she didn't understand what the majority of basics on a British kebab menu were.

'I'll try what you are having Ingrid but with BBQ sauce, I don't need my breath stinking' she scrunched her nose as I put her order in and gave the phone back to a half dead Naomi. Gerry had chosen 13 going on 30 as the film and we all sat there with our hoods off our jumpers over our heads looking at the TV half dead.

Around twenty minutes later there was a knock on our door which was the food. Fern got up and answered the door and then distributed everyone's food to them. Lizzie and I sat up from our previous slouching position. She takes the bobble off her wrist and ties her blondey brown hair into a messy bun. I couldn't help but look in awe. With her hair being up I was able to see her perfect jawline and cheekbones. I watch as she opens the kebab box and he initial reaction reflects WTF is this mess. However as soon a she eats a piece of the chicken he facial express changed to pleasure.

'So first drunken kebab Lizzie, what do you think?' I say as I open my box.

'This has to be the best and worse thing I have ever eaten' She giggles before taking another bite of the messy wrap.

We all finish our meals and one by one the others go to bed, eventually It is just me and Lizzie left. When she realises that it is just the two of us she takes me around the waist and cuddles up to me. I look down not too sure what to do. I had only been cuddled by boys before. I snap out of my overthink and decide to just do what I want to rather than comparing. I started to play with her which I could tell she enjoyed as her breathing became slower.

A few moments pass and I could sense that she was slowly drifting off. Before she could completely drift off I nudge her slightly and motion for us to go to my room. I get up and offer my hands to help her get up, she accepts as I help her up. We walk along the living area before arriving back at my room where we both fell on to the bed and fell asleep instantly.

College Days [Elizabeth Olsen]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum