Part 18

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After a day of walking around London looking at all the landmarks we head back to our apartment. The day had gone well, my thoughts began to gotten quieter as the day went on as we hadn't mentioned anything. However as we reached the apartment door I knew it would only be minutes before Lizzie would ask me.

Lizzie walked over to the kitchen part and pulled out a stool from the island and pointed at it, silently telling me sit down. I held my head down as I walked towards the stool and slumped on it. I heard Lizzie click the kettle on, then heard two mugs clink on the counter top.

"Right then lets talk" she puts a mug of tea in front of me as she sat in the stool next to me. She glided her hand up and down my back in an attempt to reassure me to talk.

"I don't know where to start" I kept my head down and stared at the steam that rose from my mug.
"Wherever you want baby, how about how you feel about my news" From that comment I could tell Lizzie had already pin pointed what the underlying problem was.

"Lizzie I really want you to take the role. I just-" I cut myself off. My mind is all over the place, how am I meant to explain how my thoughts are to her.

"Just what Ing?" Lizzie tried to encourage me to carry on.

"My last relationship has something similar happen and it ended because of it" I started, Lizzie's reaction changed, she seemed relaxed by my answer as if she was starting to put pieces together in her head.

"My ex had found a job he loved and next thing you know I didn't matter anymore. Once we decided to end things I didn't cope well" I pointed at my head as a finally looked up at her.

"Right okay, so the thought of me leaving you making you think we will be over?" She questioned as she made sure she understood where I was coming from properly. I gave a nod to show that she was right.

"You know that will never happen. In a way I'm glad we met before this, like I know you love me for me not because of fame" She smiled. I gave a small smile back. She then reached over to hug me, I took her into my arms, my body felt like a weight had been taken off as she now knew why I had panicked about the situation.

"So now will you phone your sisters and take the role before someone else does!" I mumbled into the hug.
"Fine but I'm not done talking to you" She pulled away from the hug and reached for her phone.

As she went to FaceTime her sisters I went to the bedroom to get changed. The apartment was small so I could hear the excitement from the twins when Lizzie said yes. That is how I should be for her I thought to myself.
"Sean has replied already! He said he's going to email you the dates and stuff like that so you can plan things out" I overheard Mary-Kate say through the phone.
"This is so exciting! Where's Ingrid?! We should go celebrate" Ashley then squealed, I was still just listening from the bedroom changing out of my clothes into some joggers.
"I'm not too sure if we've overcome last night yet! How about you met us before our train tomorrow instead? Go for late breakfast?" Lizzie suggested which I was grateful for her not planning something for tonight, I needed her to myself to sort my thoughts out.

"Oh she just want Ingrid to herself that's all" Ashley teased. Lizzie played along with it so the twins didn't seem suspicious.
"Well we will meet you here in the morning and we will go from there" Mary-Kate said after the reading stopped.
"I will book somewhere now" Ashley then replied. Lizzie said goodnight to her sisters and I then heard the little tone of the call ending.

"Hey baby where did you go?" Lizzie called from the living room.
"Just getting changed" I walked back through to the living room whilst putting a hoodie over my head.

''Ah good plan!' Lizzie stood up from where she was sat speaking to her sisters. As we crossed paths she pulled the hood of my jumper over my head and placed a little kiss on my nose which made me smirk. I then carried on to the couch and flopped face down feeling drained emotional as well as the fact we had a very busy tourist day around London.

College Days [Elizabeth Olsen]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora