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I'm doing a fusion thing while I'm to busy to write at work and all that and I just GOTTA show ya the stupid sketches I did for this so far on Adam's lane

The base is mine-

The base is mine-

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This is Lewis XD I'm proud of this one-He isn't finished either-

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This is Lewis XD I'm proud of this one-
He isn't finished either-

And this is unamed because I dunno
She isn't finished-

Also!Eden is almost finished!And the lemon is almost complete I'm going through and rereading it and editing small words here and there so be ready!

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Eden is almost finished!
And the lemon is almost complete I'm going through and rereading it and editing small words here and there so be ready!

THEE Man. (Adam x reader) Hazbin hotel  Short Stories Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant