outcast pt 3/3 maybe4?

564 12 3

I Suggest you put this song on repeat!
Yes Adam would be playing both guitar solos you choose which you like best but his magic he can TOTALLY rock two guitars so..thats what I'm going with)

For those with the most votes!!
nerdalert42069. !

After a long sorrowful fit Adam went silent against you...not thinking much of it in your tired state you continued to combing your fingers through his scalp before he began to sit up eyes burning in pure rage as his gaze met yours...a deep determined frown etched his face before he began gently taking your IV out of your hand before detaching the various medical equipment as the machines made an alarm in protest..

A-adam what are you doing?!-

He growled as he stood up scooping you gently into his arms holding you tightly to his chest as he faced the window...his heart thrumming angrily against his ribcage....

using one of his wings to crash with such a force through the glass it shattered on impact before he snarled as he approached the window seal glass crunching under his boots before he glared out at the sky a look crossing his face as his grip tightened around you.

fuck them all for this...
you aren't staying here...

W-wait Adam!-

Before you could protest he lunged out the window taking flight as you two shot into the sky at an alarming speed...looking behind you you saw a mass number of angelic doctors swarm the now empty hospital room as you were taken away.

....that was months ago....your arms free from the ozzing bandages from the past.......it no longer haunted you the same....the ache in your bones from the restrained bed rest...the beeping of machines and bright blinding led lights...the scent of disinfectant...
..the heavy feeling of Gasoline soon replaced by blooming flowers .. open land...fresh water...and warm crisp air....

Laying in the morning sun you sighed in content feeling your body relax as your gaze wandered your surroundings feeling the grass beneath you...
Digging your hands into the dirt and inhaling the fresh crisp summer air
.....the sound of a rushing river...birds...a cool refreshing breeze that smelled of wildflowers...

... As time passed and the sun rose higher into the sky it casted its brilliant rays across the land practically making the floura shine around you... everything felt so right here...the animals were friendly...the weather was always calm ....

Turning your back to the sun you yawned stretching across the grass feeling the high evening sun warm your healing wings causing a shiver to run up your spine......not a painful one in the slightest...

Closing your eyes you drifted in-between consciousness as time continued forward throughout the day....

Soon enough however a lone tune filled the silence ... As you listened you felt your body sink into the melody with every note strung.....soft plucking of holy strings vibrating throughout the air around you...a golden light swirling in unusual patterns around you as it left behind a glittery shimmer as it disapated only to be replaced with a new bright swirl of gold...causing your focus to follow one swirl after another as they practically danced into the sky above you...

wishing to see more you turned over to see the sky lit up in multiple swirling strands of gold..even against the light of the sun however these seemed to glow just a tad brighter...sighing out you reached up watching as the swirls seemed to be attracted to your now raised open hand...the shimmering magic tickling across your skin as it began to curl around your wrist slowly traveling down as the music continued somewhere behind you coaxing the magic to continue to your shoulder causing you to giggle.

THEE Man. (Adam x reader) Hazbin hotel  Short Stories Where stories live. Discover now