head cannons for this book!!

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So to clear things up so no one gets their hopes up for things I  will probably change...let's talk head cannons

Adam...is the first man  as that is so...he isn't perfect he's far from it
He will lack basic skills

Bad at talking
He will struggle to communicate his feelings but will eventually struggle to get them out

Bad at drawing but thinks he's the shit
No doubt he'd scribble a crooked line and think it's the next Picasso
Sketches small drawings around for you as gifts or sketches when he's bored

Bad at cooking but at least tries
Burns EVERYTHING or..under bakes...(except crepes)

He is TOTALLY touch starved
This man no matter the mood he was in prior...if you hold him pet him hug him kiss him or just give him any sort of physical affection and adoration he will melt into you immediately and push for more.

He had his way in Eden...so this man is entitled...he will be a giant man baby

Sentimental but rarely shows it

Collects shiny things

Keeps merch of himself from his band

The man's mask hides his more... emotional side...whenever he cried or gets upset the mask will portray rage and annoyance...

Adam POV)

A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about their partner?)

Physically: thighs ,ass chest, ANYTHING
Mentally: headstrong...he won't admit it but you inspire even him sometimes

B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)

He would eventually...after the pain from Cain and Abel it would be a hot minute but he'd eventually get comfortable enough to forget his worries and move on ...after a few moments of emotional break downs and a long talk about the future from you two

C = Cuddle (How do they like to cuddle?)

Any way is a good way for him... As long as you two were close he didn't care much
On some nights he enjoys holding you to him...being secure in his arms covered in his wings like a big ol blanket...

And sometimes he likes his head nuzzled into your stomach or thighs as you play with his hair...you'd put him to sleep easily that way

But he prefers big spoon more often than not

D = Dreams (How do they picture their future with their S/O?)

Adam wouldn't have dreams at first...he'd live each and every day as if he'd die the next morning
He'd do and say whatever he wanted with very little to no regret

...but once he gets comfortable and starts to see a potential life with you?

He constantly will fear the future...he will fear everything....even things not possible for angels to get affected with such as illnesses humans contained...or if that fuckung lucifer came back...he'd constantly wuestion if youd abandon him as well...often pushjng you away in anger from his thoughts

E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))

You are his Hope

A beacon of light in his darkness...a chance to live the life he lost all those years ago

F = Feelings (When did they know they’re in love?)

He would know immediately...but deny it
He would lie to himself and beat himself up he'd be in denial...but everytime you smiled...it made his heart melt

THEE Man. (Adam x reader) Hazbin hotel  Short Stories Where stories live. Discover now