Outcast pt 1 💞💘

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Broken bruised burned and battered...you were a mess...
Feeling each and every healing bone that had shattered months prior...
Wrapped in soiled unkempt bandages...the smell of old blood turning sour made your nose itch...

Gripping the side of the bed you glanced at your hand glaring at the IV stuck inside your right hand as you sighed...your arms decorated in large patches of burned flesh poking from under the bandages......looking beside you looming above your laying form was the bag attached to the IV slowly dripping some form of golden liquid......for a few hours you had stared counting as each drop fell the silence and isolation making your body twitch uncomfortably...
...looking away shuddering you just...couldn't bear to see it...knowing whatever it was would be entering your veins shortly after...your hands felt cold...your body stiff and sore from the constant bed rest...your limbs feeling heavy as the medication kept you hazy and weak....and still...

Your bones ached and protested as you struggled to use what little strength you had to sit up feeling the annoying affects of the drugs lacing your system

Grunting seeing your arms shake at your own weight you growled in defiance pushing past your limits and sighing in relief as the strain soon ended with your goal achieved..

After your brief struggle at such a simple task you now sat on the gurney legs hanging off the side as you stared out of the window compared to the dull room...the view was almost blindingly bright...blinking a few times you struggled to grow accustomed to it...it burned and made your eyes sting and water...but soon able to see
you frowned...
...puffy color clouds outlined the perfect world of heaven...angels singing and dancing...playing games and smiling ear to ear during their daily activities you had seen them do each and every day

But even so as they blissfully continued their lives...you sat feeling the affect of gravity pull you further down.......
Glancing around you frowed at the lack of visitors...no one ever visited you...no one cared enough to...and most of heaven didn't even know you and your kind existed.....

Day in and day out you sat and watched in longing...refusing the meals sent to you by the hospital...you didn't need to eat you didn't feel hunger...no one did...the food was just there for mere comfort...Comfort you didn't want...the smell of the burger's grease beside you alone was making you nauseous...

Various beeps from the machines around you began to fade as your mind began to wander...in hopes to escape the feeling... Slowly your vision changed...

Screams of the damned that fell to your blade began to infest your thoughts...a scene set before your eyes playing as if it were the present...as you sat in your gurney in silence watching the world unfold...

Staring straight forward your ears began to ring...rushing at a few demons you effortlessly killed each and every one in the south side of the doomsday district along side your team..making quick work of demon after demon as you were instructed wiping out the area in one perfected swoop...soon your team had split off chasing after their own kills not bothering to stick beside one another as your new targets were set

...smirking proudly you made an attempt to fly off hearing what you assumed was Adams whistle of return you quickly began to make your way to the sound without hesitation...but you failed to register that the Tower had not struck yet...no chime had rung...and no angel followed you...

The whistle continued as you flew along closer and closer you came not noticing the danger you were approaching as you landed gripping your spear walking closer to the building a feeling of being watched dawned in the back of your mind but you pushed it aside as you continued......seeing as no other angel was here this time you couldn't ignore it .....you realized you were trapped...
lured purposely in a broke down dark and moldy warehouse...

...demon after demon began to emerge from the shadows growling and hissing at your presence making your feathers puff in unease. Seeing each and every one brandish their own type of weapon....
Their glowing eyes trained solely on you as they gnashed their sharp teeth and twitched with rage... Demons of all sizes began to arise from their hiding places...
Panic began to eat at your stomach as you glanced every which way as they circled closer more and more of them began to appear blocking your every escape..... Soon the demons advanced standing in defense you kept a few at bay as others quickly swarmed your right knocking your spear from your grip Your breathing quickened at the sight of the memory flinching as you felt one of their unholy rusted blades dig into your shoulder rendering your arm useless...the stinging sensation barely registering as you felt your heart rate rise...in the midst of your panic a large demon had thrown you to the ground pinning your stomach to the floor as the demons shoe held you down...
You gripped the gurney tighter closing your eyes to rid the memory as one of the demons has thrown a canister of foul smelling liquid onto your form
Memories of the pain began to erupt in your wings as you choked back a sob

the smell of Gasoline hitting your senses making you rear back in a gurgled gag almost vomiting in your hands you lurched forward the smell was horrendous and the liquid drenched you head to toe...it was heavy...almost like a weird acidic slime...

your eyes began to see flames ...the feeling of your skin slowly l burning away as the flames ate at your flesh it felt so agonizingly slow yet all happened in a split second...

....soon the demons saw you good as dead and left you to wither into the flames thinking their deed had been done

... With Your body set alight and you being free from restraint when they had left

you ran...

You ran past every demon as they made an attempt to attack seeing you still alive only made them angrier...
..some laughing at the sight. Guns raised...soon the background was filled with loud bangs as their guns went off in attempt to finish the job some demons cut your legs as you ran by and some hit you with anything they could hold...
....each attack landing a damaging blow..

But filled with bullet wounds, gashes and still set ablaze you still you ran...you ran as fast as you could to aid...you had stared been ahead gritting your teeth as adrenaline rushed through your limbs pushing you to continue running as your body quickly began the protest

Silently begging to see your team or anyone really...narrowing your eyes you pushed further and further as you raced through the streets of hell you had effortlessly flown through splattering blood in your wake just mere minutes ago..

...making it as the bell chimmed
you collapsed at lute's feet breathless and broken....where she quickly backed up to move herself away from your bloody and burned form with no attempt to assist you
she snarled in disgust...

As no one had come to your aid soon you had watched your fleat ignore your presence after merely escaping with your life ...your vision blurred not noticing the hand reaching out to you...your head hit the ground in defeat as you lost consciousness....

Awakening later you listened as your punishment for your failures was discussed Infront of you...the only time your hospital room had been filled...soon a decision was reached......you would not be healed by magic but to heal on your own as a mortal would...with modern medicine...lute had demanded you were put to death for your mistakes in battle...but sera had not agreed...Your boss however...? ... Adam stayed silent throughout the entire meeting... Not even daring to glance in your direction
It seemed no one did casting you further into shame...only throwing occasional hand gestures your way as their words began To fizzle into static...

Covering your face you sobbed in hopelessness ...shivering at the loss of warmth your large wings used to provide as what was left of them quivered against your back
Looking out the window as tears burned your vision staring past the angels up to the executional Office that loomed proudly over the square
...where you used to reside...

What use were you to them now?..

You couldn't fly...

Thanks for reading!
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Love y'all already writing pt 2! 🤘/

THEE Man. (Adam x reader) Hazbin hotel  Short Stories Where stories live. Discover now