more head cannons

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To start I wanna say yeah Adam isn't exactly the same in the show as here
I gave him more...emotions...more depth

Being someone who has struggled through as many emotions as j have during my short time here already on earth I can tell you men like him and people in general who put up a front like his...has some serious trauma

This man got his ribs removed
This man lost his children
This man lost not one but both of his so called wives to a demon he once trusted
He was created as an adult but his mentality is more childlike...he was flawed in creation and never got what we had and have a child life to actually be ya know...a big baby about things?

His development was cut to short and his actions show it.

Adam may be the way he is in the show but I see far more than most in people just by seeing past their masks...I guess....I'm sorry I changed him but I put emotions and depth into my books for reasons...and people usually end up loving it so I shouldn't even be sorry but for those who expected Cannon Adam I'm sorry he won't be exactly like the show I will not change my style of writing for people....I love my readers but my passion in my writing is my own.

Now let's continue

A = Affection (PDA, what sort of affection they give)

This man shows his affection through marks...there will not be a day when your relationship is established that you won't have a bite mark visible...if anything he'd use a sharpie and writing his name on your skin to comfort his thoughts...maybe get you clothing with his symbol...he might do that

B = Babies (Anything you want about babies)

This man...if you have his child
This man will barely ever let anyone near...he is a father again...he makes it a point to not fuck up again
He loves to hold the baby...yes this man will proudly walk around with a baby carrier on his chest ...he will proud strut around heaven showing off what he made.
He would protect that child with everything that man has if he had to

C = Cuddles (How they cuddle or are cuddled)

Big spoon man...this big fat ass man LOVES to overpower and curl around you like a big ol cat

D = Darling  (Pet names) 

As I said before...
Song Bird...chicken wing...ect

E = Enamored (how hard do they fall when in love)

This man won't show it but he falls and he falls hard...he barely makes effort in anything he does for anyone but once you came along he prioritizes you and anything you do...unless he wants you to think otherwise...

F = Firsts (A first on anything you pick)

You were his first true love
You were the first to get him to try drawing
You introduced him to human games such as bowling
Forcefully knocking down pins with his weapon?... For game?! He dominates the alley with his skills once he gets it down

G = Good Morning (How do they wake you up)

If you aren't up when he is...which is rare as he is NOT a morning man he will mess with you

Poke you play with your wings...tickle you if you'd till don't wake up he will resort to biting and playing around
If you still don't he either gets angry and drags you out of bed or things turn around and he doesn't wanna leave the bed either and goes back to sleep in defeat pulling you to him like a live teddy

H = Hugs (Do they like hugs?)

At first no
But once he finds out how soft you are and small and transportable he barely puts you down

THEE Man. (Adam x reader) Hazbin hotel  Short Stories Where stories live. Discover now