V day pt 1

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Walking down the glowing streets of heaven with a skip in your step you smiled as other winners waved to you in greeting waving back in delight. all winners wore bright smiles but today everyone was smiling just a tad wider for todays special occasion.

Today was Valentine's Day in the human world.

A day that made your wings flutter and your halo shine just a tad brighter.

A day where angels got to witness the humans fuss over the ones they were attracted in... and if someone was misguided the winners would push them in the right direction...this was going to be amazing! your first visit to the human world on a romantic holiday no less!

going down into the human world to experience life on earth yet again for your targets benefit...

quickly you rushed down the colorful streets to the square where every angel waited as the grand seraphim took center stage as they began their annual announcement smiling just as widely as the winners below them.

Sera spread her arms widely in a gesture to everyone as she spoke Emily smiling and standing next to sera in her own polite stance as sera spoke, her voice amplified by the many speakers Adam had planted throughout the square during his rock shows in the past, making her heard clearly wherever a winner stood.

My people...it is my pleasure to see earth experience yet another euphoric holiday...

Sera joyfully bowed her head with a smile as the winners cheered around you, thousands of loud joyful cheers filled the square as you joined in yelling out your own cheerful yip in response. Slowly however a few lead angels held up their hands in an attempt to quiet everyone down and after a few minutes it worked as Sera continued.

today is the day all of us blend into the human crowds and guide them to make the right choices...

another wave of cheers rang throughout the crowd before they were quickly shushed again Sera bowing her head in thanks to the lead angels who nodded in return.

As many of you already know however...we will not be the only ones visiting earth...many sinners will be rising to earth to try an inflict bad decisions...although it is our custom to be righteous...we do not get involved... the demons have their own targets that do not inflict our own...however...if a demon strays from their target you have full permission to-

Adam butted in quickly taking a few steps forward before Sera could continue as his Voice rang throughout the square...a faint rock tune played behind his voice seemingly coming out of nowhere.

If they step on your toes? you STOMP on theirs!

in a dramatic flair he raised his foot and slammed it down into the ground a loud guitar riff sounded over the speaker as his foot made contact with the stone the ground cracking beneath his spiked boot before his robes fluttered back down around his foot only showing the cracked stone as he grinned staring at the ground in malice. Sera froze at his remark speechless before taking back the attention to the crowd as she cleared her throat even catching Adam's attention causing the music to cut off completely.

even with Adams...display he is correct...we push back against the sinners only if they try to interfere with our work...but...not so harshly...

at that Adam's battle ready stance drooped to one of boredom as he rolled his eyes continuing to drink his soda quencher with a shrug.

before Emily took center smiling to each and everyone as she took off floating in the sky as she addressed everyone.

Although those sinners will be there... we will focus on our humans! today is a day of fun and proper guidance a day of joy filled with copious amounts of love struck beings... we can make this year as great as the last!

at that all the winners including yourself jumped into the air in a solid cheer as the seraphim flew to meet Emily as a mass portal opened beneath the flying group... slowly you watched as the seraphim flew through in lightning speed Adam following after yelling a loud rock screech making the speakers cut out as he slammed himself into the portal
before each and every sinner followed in suit cheering and laughing and shouting in delight as they to went into the portal below you.

giggling yourself you flew higher above the portals opening before facing the sky staring into the bright clouds above as a wide smile crossed your face.

crossing your arms on your chest you cheered just as loud as everyone else as you began to fall the rush of air making you shiver before diving head first into the portal. the feeling as if you dived into a warm pool of water rushing over you as everything began turning a bright white as you felt the changes beginning to take affect. closing your eyes as your transformation swept over your body you felt the warm embrace of magic before appearing in an alley of what appeared to a city.

a bright city with thousands of neon lights adorning every sign you came across as you began walking down street after street watching the humans walk to and fro moving from building to building, for hours you wander around the city itself taking in all the sights. passing by some restaurants you smiled as you felt the pure love from inside from the couples enjoying their evening together before going to the local bar to scout out potential targets as you sat at a table near the back loud booming music...dim lighting and plenty of people..one had to be confused and in need of guidance...

the place reeked of smoke and booze that would make any sober human dizzy coated the air but it barely bothered you as you set to work scanning every human...

...couple at the bar...drinking ones under 21..sin girl singing karaoke..?..nope she's drunk out of her mind singing a raunchy sex song...sin

...everywhere you looked sin sin sin and sin....sighing in disappointment you frowned before getting up leaving the establishment your mind reeling on a different place to look...it had to have a chance for sin so you could persuade them otherwise...

POV change)

coming back from the bathroom whistling a small tune he was working on for his next hit he froze in confusion at seeing a newb angel balling up to enter a a bar..huh...not many newer types ever strayed farther than the nearest library or church being to scared or disgusted...this was new looking throughout the bar he shrugged in disinterest before sitting down near the bathrooms to check out the patrons for himself chuckling at the results unimpressed...nothing but sinners...as usual...

glancing over after he ordered himself a sprite he watched as he noticed the angel had surely seen the same in the humans before he watched her dejected form leave the bar. he was surprised none of the drunk idiots tried to make a move on her..afterall she was vulnerable...and he'd give her credit where it was due... she had a nice ass...

sipping his soda he watched her form walk out as his eyes glanced down her waist...guess the whole hate her leaving but watching her walk away is a treat or however the sinners put it is true. shrugging to his conclusion he eyed a man get up from his seat reeking of sin quickly make it a point to follow after her grumbling in annoyance he slammed the rest of his drink back before throwing a nice crisp 10 on the table following after the guy gritting his teeth..

this one wasn't even being influenced by a demon either...he knew these types of humans...they prey on the vulnerable...and damn were you vulnerable on earth..

muttering under his breath he followed after the human keeping a good distance behind to not draw attention to himself as he glared the human down.

Alright... lets see what your gonna try to do you sick fuck...


Debating on either ending this in a lemon or fluf -^-

THEE Man. (Adam x reader) Hazbin hotel  Short Stories Where stories live. Discover now