Dadam shenanigans

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Aggressive foot tapping against tile sounded next to you as you sighed hearing Adam grumble beside you growling out a few curses about today's plans .

The sound of children playing and adults talking to others...a phone ringing and the smell of disinfectant hung in the lobby making your nose tingle.

The pristine lobby decorated with fake tropical plants.. clean counters...a tv playing some sort of medical ad for insurance...and a large card board cut out of the buildings mascot waving with a large smile to absolutely no one.

Looking over... you gently placed your hand on top of Adam's brushing your thumb over his hand as he dug his nails into the arm rest of the chair angrily...

His left arm wrapped protectively over your son (name) causing him to coo and pop spit bubbles flapping his baby wings as he sat comfortably in the chest carrier strapped to Adam..

the bouncing of Adams knee sending your son into a fit of giggling as it bounced him slightly.

Adam's masked eye lights glared at every wall of the room you three sat in...eyeing every detail on the lobby's walls ... snarling at the passing workers who walked from office to hallway with various equipment or files of others sitting in the room waiting just as you were

except one elses husbands were acting the way yours was .. but it was ok to you because you loved him no matter what even if he was causing a scene which...that he was and if you knew adam you knew it'd get worse...but you were determined to get this appointment over with...

at the sight of one of the workers coming a bit closer Adams eyes narrowed quickly having one of his wings cover the baby as his wings ruffled in intimidation at the approaching angel before slowly flattening back down as they passed to another family addressing them and leading them off to the hallway...

you watched as Adams tense body relaxed ever so slightly when they walked off... his wing relaxing back down under his arm as he grumbled something insulting towards the worker as he rolled his eyes.

"Adam it's going to be ok..."

His gaze quickly found yours as he stammered.

"I fucking know that! I didn't say it wouldn't be...."

He grumbled the last part under his breath looking away glaring at the front desk locking his gaze on one of the receptionists... chuckling quietly you rubbed the side of his mask in a reassuring matter smiling as he leaned into your touch taking his gaze off the desk looking to the ceiling before huffing in defeat as he closed his eyes

feeling the other side of his masked face causing him to purr slightly as you scratched under his chin in a loving manner...chuckling you slipped under the edge of his mask grinding your nails against his scruffy neck causing him to growl happily as he began to drool and lean into your hands more...

Feeling his body relax into his seat you nodded in satisfaction kissing his forehead causing him to grumble before sitting up straight again before wiping his mouth from under his mask muttering a quiet thank you to you before turning away laying his hand on the baby's head...the baby of course chirping in delight at the attention flapping it's wings harder starting to slightly hover as Adam held him down gently with his hand.

"I fucking hate this place.."

Leaning onto his shoulder you sighed.

"I know'll be over soon"

He huffed...

"It better..."

Looking around noticing the children you perked up at seeing some toys a bit aways where the kids were nudging Adam to look over...after a grunt from him he looked over also perking up at the sight causing you to smile as his eyes lightened up slightly.

THEE Man. (Adam x reader) Hazbin hotel  Short Stories Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ