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avalon and conrad ran into the house to find out what all the commotion was.

it was just like the scene at the boardwalk. mateo and kyler were in each others faces once again.

avalon jumped back when she saw her dad there. that was the last person she expected to see at the beach house, especially tonight.

everyone in the house was encouraging a fight, and that pissed avalon off. these people were hungry for entertainment. that's all it was to them. but for her, this was her past trauma coming back.

avalon ran over to her dad and brother and got in the middle of them before it could get out of hand. "we are not doing this tonight!" she shouted with tears in her eyes.

kyler and mateo gave each other one last dead stare before backing away.

avalon exhaled in relief before turning to face her dad, "what are you even doing here?"

mateo chuckled at the question since he knew the answer. "huh, yeah dad... why don't you tell her?" he waited with a smirk on his face.

kyler bit down on his lip to keep him from snapping back at his son. avalon stood there waiting there nervously for an answer. she couldn't even guess what it could be.

he finally spoke up, "i came here to scope out the house and figure out the arrangements... since it is now mine."

she felt a rush of anger course through her. she couldn't even process his words. she knew he was a shitty father but she didn't think he'd stoop this low.

conrad jumped in, "you're the one you bought the house?"

kyler nodded which pissed conrad off even more. "huh? use your words old man."

avalon could see the anger on her dad's face, but he wasn't acting on it. he wasn't fighting back. he still stood his ground but quietly. it was weird.

"alright, everyone out now!" jeremiah shouted, shooing everyone out of the house.

when the guests had all left, avalon and mateo went outside to talk with their dad. mateo didn't care to hear his excuses but he wanted to stay by avalon's side.

"start talking." she said while crossing her arms, holding back tears. she was so overwhelmed with everything going on. she was about to explode.

he exhaled heavily, "i need you to just hear me out-"

"no! are you kidding me?" she chuckled in disbelief, "i don't owe you shit."

mateo was completely shocked at her response. he was proud of her for sticking up for herself.

"the sooner you give me answers, the sooner we can be out of each others lives again." she could barely hold the tears in anymore, but she had to try.

she could see the emotions build up in him. it almost looked like he felt guilty.

it took him a minute, but he started explaining everything. "after mateo and i went our separate ways, i slowly began to realize where i was at in my life. it took awhile but i started getting my shit back together. i found a woman and things started getting serious. we've been looking for a house down here in cousin's beach for a few weeks now."

mateo couldn't believe his story for a second. he figured there had to be a few plot holes. no way was his dad bettering himself. he called bullshit.

"i knew you guys came down here in the summer so i was hesitant to live here..." he coughed, "but my fiancé insisted since she has family here."

"fiancé?" mateo chuckled.

kyler nodded, which made avalon want to vomit.

"so you chose this house, to what? spite us?" mateo asked.

"look, i know i wasn't the best father-"

mateo interrupted him, "not even fucking close to being the best father!"

kyler sighed, "i had assumed that none of you wanted this house anymore since it was being sold. people don't usually sell a house they still want."

he had somewhat of a point. how was he supposed to know the circumstances.

"well that's unfortunate for you because we still want it." mateo crossed his arms.

kyler laughed at his son's confidence. he wasn't just going to change his mind on the house.

"it's getting late. i'll be back here tomorrow with my fiancé and her daughters to show them the house in person." he walked off, leaving his two kids in shambles.

all mateo could do was laugh. anything involving his dad had always fucked up something in his life. what's one more?

avalon on the other hand was flipping out. she was trying to conceal her emotions but she could only do it for so long. she burst out into tears and fell to the ground.

mateo immediately went to comfort her. "hey, breathe, it's okay." he patted her shoulders.

he kept trying to console her but it wasn't working. her chest was tight and she could barely breathe. these anxiety attacks were hitting her like a truck.

"i- i just need to go lay down." she sniffled her nose. mateo helped her stand up slowly and helped her into the house.

the others had all been waiting by the front door, most likely eavesdropping. everyone insisted on helping her but she shooed them away. she knew mateo would leave her be once he helped her. everyone else would bombard her.

she had forgotten a very important detail. she didn't have a bed here anymore. mateo went and grabbed her a pool float to lay on, which actually made her laugh a little.

once mateo was gone, she got as comfortable as one could be in a pool float, then came the waterworks. she couldn't stop crying. with everything going on, her anxiety was making things even worse. she hadn't felt like herself in a while.

she pulled out her phone and scrolled through her contacts. as soon as she saw her moms name, something clicked in her. impulsively, she dialed her mom.

the call went straight to voicemail but that didn't stop her. she sobbed uncontrollably, "mom... i need you. everything is falling apart. i'm at the beach house, susannah's house, only it isn't hers anymore. dad bought the house. he's taking everything away again!" she sounded hysterical.

she didn't even think nor care about the consequences of calling her mom. in this moment, she just really needed her.

A/N: hello again LOL

i am now on summer break so hopefully i will be able to write more!! BUT i am going out of town soon so i might be taking a break from writing just during that week


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