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everyone ended up falling asleep outside on the golf course. cam's mom found them in the morning and made sure they cleaned everything up. luckily, his mom was understanding about the situation and wasn't too harsh on him.

when they got back to the house, julia was walking out of the front door. she immediately sighed and rolled her eyes. "oh, i wish you boys had gone home when i asked you to."

"you're not getting us to abandon our house, julia." conrad told her.

"it's not your house, conrad, and um... it won't be mine for long either."

jeremiah tried to convince her, "julia, please! we have an idea, okay?"

"the buyers made an offer on the house and i've officially accepted it. i still have to go to boston to finalize the details but, it's done. the house is sold."

conrad hesitated. "it's... sold? you sold this house in the last 12 hours?"

"yes! to a lovely family with two children and some kind of a poodle mix."

"it can't just be over."

"it is. i'm gonna need your keys, please." she held out her hand.

conrad fiddled with his keys, "i bet you're really enjoying this." which resulted in a sigh from julia.

as she collected the keys from jere and conrad, skye spoke up, "mom, don't do this."

"skye, really?" she exhaled, "look, i told you two that i was selling this house. i'm not enjoying it but i'm relieved that it's finally over."

julia began to walk to her car, "come on, skye."

skye followed their mom, but they really didn't want to.

as julia walked past niki, she gave julia a look of disappointment. julia could tell what she meant by that, and it hurt. niki's father would be so upset with julia for doing this, especially if it was affecting someone that meant a lot to niki.

when they got to the car, skye continued to speak up to their mom. "i remember all the stories you told me of how there was no place for you here. but, there is for me. i like the town, i like the house. i like the- the stupid beach. i'm kind of happy here, and not in a pharmaceutically induced way."

"i want you to be happy, skye. i want you to know them too."

"do you?! because it kind of feels like you've kept me away and only told me all the bad stuff. but, i don't know, i mean, this place is kinda like our last tie to them. and... i thought i'd never see niki again but, here she is."

julia held back tears. "it wasn't me. i mean, they didn't want us around! and i can't just go back to the buyers just because you want time to play with your cousins and niki. if they want to see you again they'll reach out. just... don't be surprised if the phone doesn't ring."

skye crossed theirs arms. "you aren't event selling it for closure. you're selling it for confirmation that we don't belong here. yeah, your dad was an emotionally withholding dick and susannah was in denial, but the moment conrad and jeremiah came to you with the version of this house and their family... you just shut down. you didn't even hear them out. mom! you have the biggest heart. it really sucks to see you close it off just because of the past." they paused, "please back out of the deal."

"it doesn't work like that. now, get in the car."

skye stood their ground. "no."

julia looked at them in shock. "mom, i love you, but i can't go with you. this isn't right."

julia buckled her seatbelt, "i love you too, skye, but you're wrong. i'll see you at the hotel when i get back from boston." she said before driving away.

the way skye stood up for all of them and the house really meant a lot. no matter if julia was skye's mom, nobody was mad at skye.

everyone was on the verge of leaving, but avalon wasn't having it. "you guys, we can't just leave. this can't be our last memory at this house."

conrad questioned, "what do you have in mind?"

"when susannah, laurel, and my mom first came to the house, they hated how quiet and empty it was. so, they threw a party. people were dancing and drinking and late night swimming. i say that we throw a party too!"

jere smiled, "i'm in!"

taylor loved the idea, "me too!"

"me three!" skye said.

cam cheered, "oh, i love this for us!"

steven asked conrad, "you in?"

conrad looked right over to avalon who had a face of hope. he couldn't say no to her. "i think it's exactly what my mom would've wanted. let's do it."

everyone spread out around the house to go and relax before they got to work. there was going to be a lot to do to set up a kickass party. good thing there's a lot of hands there to help.

despite all of the drama that had been going on, avalon just wanted a night with her friends. she wanted one night where they could all enjoy each others company and forget about everything else. she wanted to honor susannah and the summer house one last time.

A/N: this is kinda a filler chapter sorry it's so short!!! the next chapter will be way longer so get ready to partayyyy 😝😝

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