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steven and avalon went upstairs to his room. the awkward tension was hitting both of them immediately. she sat down at his desk chair while he closed the door.

steven walked slowly over to his bed and sat down on the edge. he rubbed his hands together and took a deep breath.

her eyes were glued to the floor. she couldn't stop fidgeting with her fingers. the awkwardness was becoming unbearable. never in a million years would she have thought there would be this uncomfortable of a moment between her and steven. even the time he almost kissed her wasn't as weird as this.

steven spoke first, "i know um... that things have been weird."

she huffed, "that's an understatement."

he sighed deep. he didn't even know what to say, or what to do. things had always come easy when it came to avalon. but this time he was lost.

the silence was beginning to take over once again. he was sitting there looking like a lost puppy. avalon was getting impatient at this point. she felt that this was a waste of time.

steven could tell she was getting annoyed. if he didn't say something soon, she'd probably walk out. this may be his only chance to fix things with her. who knows how long they would be in cousins this summer.

"i shouldn't have gotten so upset with you." he told her. "i- i was just nervous that i was losing you too."

"if you were scared of loosing me, then why did you try to push me away?" she questioned.

steven gulped. he didn't expect to be called out like that, but he knew she was right.

"i should've handled it differently. i'm really sorry, avie." he spoke with utter disappointment in himself.

with everything else going on, this was the least of her worries. she knew steven's apology was sincere. there was no need for this little argument to go on any further.

"it's okay. i forgive you, stevie." she said with a smirk.

he snickered, "you know i hate when you call me that."

"yeah, sure." she spoke sarcastically.

the two smiled with their eyes connected to one another. she had missed him dearly. it felt like it had been a lifetime since they truly bonded. it felt good to at least have one of her friendships back in order.

the seven minutes was finally up. they had made it back to the living room shortly after jere and niki. the curiosity was killing avalon. what could those two have possibly talked about?

"alright, who's next?" henry clapped his hands together.

"why don't you go? this was your idea." belly said while rolling her eyes at him.

"damn, this one's got a stick up her ass." he insulted.

jeremiah stepped in, "hey! what the hell is your problem man?"

"my problem?" he chuckled, pointing to himself, "your little girlfriend seems to be the problem."

avalon felt sick when she heard that word come out of his mouth. "girlfriend." she shimmied uncomfortably at the thought.

"who the hell even are you?" jeremiah questioned. "mateo, why did you bring this asshole here?"

"just chill out dude." mateo said back to him, trying to stay calm.

henry stood up quickly which influenced jere do the same. "i may be an asshole, but you're a puny little bitch!" henry said right up in jere's face.

he let out a laugh and was about to fire back, but niki stood up between the two of them and put her hand on henry's chest to hold him back. "knock it off, henry!"

enough for you ⇒ the summer i turned prettyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu