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the two girls walked into the party with their heads held high.

avalon didn't recognize anyone there, which was expected. her and niki walked around the party trying to find steven. instead, they found belly.

"avalon?" belly asked surprised. she smiled big and hugged her.

"hi bells!" she replied. she didn't think belly would be this happy to see her.

"oh my god, i can't believe you're here!" she cheered. "where's mateo?"

avalon rolled her eyes, "he's being a dick. he didn't want to come."

"oh." a look of surprise crossed her face.

"yeah." she stood there awkwardly.

taylor overhead the conversation and joined in, "oh well, sucks for him. he's missing a good time."

avalon chuckled "he really is."

"hey avie." taylor spoke softly.

"hey taylor." avalon lightly smiled.

belly looked over to nikolina, "do i finally get to meet one of your friends from school?" she asked excitedly.

"oh uh, no. i actually just met her a few hours ago." she spoke nervously.

"shit av, look at you!" taylor nudged her shoulder, "i'll need to hear about this later."

avalon laughed.

the awkward silence took over until niki stepped up.

"i'm nikolina." she introduced herself.

"i'm belly, this is taylor!" belly introduced them. taylor fluttered her fingers as a wave.

"nice to meet you both." niki smiled.

"yeah you too." belly smiled back.

"i love your name. it's so..." taylor pinched her fingers together and raised them,  "unique."

niki thanked her.

"so uh, do you know where steven is?" avalon asked while looking around the room.

"he's probably outside with the band. they should be playing soon." belly told her.

"ooh, band?" avalon was intrigued.

taylor flipped her hair, "my boyfriend is in the band, no biggie."

belly laughed and rolled her eyes at taylor.

"okay taylor, i see you!" avalon hyped her up which made taylor giggle.

belly changed the subject quickly before taylor could start rambling about her boyfriend. "steven will be really happy to see you." belly told her.

"i hope so." she half smiled.

"he will be, and i'm happy to see you too." she smiled, "i mean we barely talk anymore. i missed you." she held out her hands for avalon to grab.

"i missed you too." she squeezed belly's hands before letting go. "i'll catch up with you guys later." she told them before walking away.

her and niki went outside to find steven once again. it was such a relief to avalon that belly was happy to see her. she didn't think it was going to go that well. it was almost like they started right where they left off.

steven was exactly where belly said he would be. he was talking with the band when they walked up to him. nikolina stayed back to give avalon space with steven.

"steven!" she shouted, trying to sound confident.

he knew who's voice that was right away. "what are you doing here?" he didn't seem happy to see her.

"i told you i'd be here." she tried to smile.

"yeah, after you forgot. and where's mateo?" he asked, annoyed.

"he um- he didn't want to come." she looked down nervously.

steven laughed, "figures. first conrad and jeremiah and now him."

belly and taylor had walked outside and overheard what was going on.

"steven, what the hell?" belly butted into the conversation.

"oh perfect timing! the one who made this mess." he shouted.

"oh my god, this again?" belly crossed her arms.

"yeah! this again. it's all your fault!" he yelled at her.

avalon didn't know what to do. not only was he mad at her, but he was also mad at belly. she didn't know why he was so upset with her though. maybe it was just a normal sibling fight. it would pass.

belly chuckled at him. "you know what, i'm leaving. this party sucks."

"belly!" taylor grabbed her hands to stop her from walking away.

"as much as i'd like you to leave, you promised to be my sober driver tonight!" he reminded her.

"okay, well, i'm ready to go now." she told him.

"well, i'm not!" he argued.

"can't you just get one of your friends to drive you or something?" belly complained.

"they're all drunk belly!" he shouted. "why are you being such a buzzkill right now?"

"oh, sorry if i'm ruining your special night mr. perfect valedictorian." she said sarcastically.

"yeah, yeah you kinda are."

"okay, well, incase you forgot, which clearly it seems like you did, susannah just died, so i'm a little sad. but please, don't let that stop you from having the time of your life steven!"

"fuck you." steven snapped. "i lost susannah too, you know. then you screwed everything up and now things are weird with conrad and jeremiah. they won't even text me back anymore, and now avalon and mateo forgot about me too."

"okay, guys, listen..." taylor tried to stop them.

"that is not my fault!" belly said angrily with tears rolling down her face.

"isn't it though? i should be celebrating with them tonight, but they wouldn't come because you made things messy. and the only reason avalon is here is because i had to remind her. she forgot about me too." he held back tears.

avalon was speechless. she didn't know what she could say to make him feel better. she knew she messed up big time. she could never forget about steven. never ever. she hated herself for making him think otherwise.

"you had cam, then conrad. but that wasn't enough for you. you just had to have jeremiah too." he scoffed.

"wait, what do you mean?" avalon interrupted.

belly looked at avalon with worry, "av-"

"you and jeremiah?" she pointed to her. she couldn't believe what she just heard.

"shit, av i thought you knew." steven felt bad for blurting it out in front of everyone.

avalon took a deep breath, "i think i'm gonna head out." she turned towards niki. she rubbed avalon's back as they walked away.

"avalon, wait!" belly pleaded.

avalon kept her gaze forward. she didn't want to look back. what happened last summer was repeating, but this time it was the other way around. she was the one who was betrayed.

was this payback for everything she had done? maybe she did deserve this. that's sure as hell what it felt like.

A/N: i've been so incredibly stressed recently with school starting soon and just my mental health in general. if it takes me a little while to publish more chapters i am so sorry.

i start college next week so i might be super busy and i have things this week to get done before school starts BUT i will try to write as much as i can without getting unmotivated.

i want to make sure i'm publishing work that i actually like, not just publishing it to get it done.


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