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everyone was hanging out in the screening room trying to expel the boredom.

taylor found an apple and she was trying to make a bong out of it with weed that her and steven discovered in the lost and found.

cam on the other hand was about to have a heart attack over the mess she was making. jeremiah suggested that they should take those shenanigans outside to save cam from a freak out.

the boys drove around like maniacs on a golf cart they found. just boys being boys.

taylor, belly, and skye found a spot to smoke the apple bong, which skye had figured out.

avalon didn't know what to do. she couldn't hang out with anyone in this group without feeling awkward.

her brother didn't have any beef with the group anymore, so he was easily hanging out with the guys.

she hated the way things were going. with everything that was happening with the beach house and now her father being back, she hasn't had time to talk anything out with her friends. she never felt so alone. at least she had niki, but she still missed her other friends.

niki and avalon found their own spot in the grass of the golf course. they both lay back on the grass and looked up at the sky which was covered in stars and a bright moon.

"this is one of my favorite parts of cousins beach." avalon smiled at the thought.

"the stars?" niki asked.

"and the moon." she replied.

niki titled her head to look at avalon who was mesmerized by the night sky.

"the moon reminds me of susannah. i don't know why, but it does. maybe because it gives me hope just like she always did... and the stars are like my friends. the moon is always accompanied with the stars. together they light up the sky." she paused with a sigh, "cheesy, i know." she couldn't help but laugh.

"this place hasn't been the same without her. my life hasn't been the same."

"i know the feeling." niki shed a tear.

avalon looked over to her, and the two had now locked eyes. "again, i'm really sorry about your dad."

niki lightly smiled and wiped away the tears on her face. "it's okay. i know he's still with me." she said with a sniffle.

the two looked back up at the sky before niki began, "you were probably confused when i was so freaked out about henry and your brother sneaking off." she paused to take a deep breath, "but i'm only so worried about him because i made a promise."

"oh?" avalon asked, waiting for more.

"henry and i grew up together. our families were always close. one night i was sitting outside by the water at our family lake house with my dad and henry's dad." she explained, "they were late night fishing and i was there watching. our dads started talking about what they wanted from each other if anything ever happened to one of them. they both promised to take care of each others kids..." niki started to cry once again. "but those promises were no good anymore." she closed her eyes and let the tears fall, "they were both in that car when it crashed..."

avalons heart sunk. she couldn't even imagine how horrible that must've been for niki and henry and their families. she reached over and held niki's hand.

niki wiped away more tears, "the point is, henry and i made a pact after that. we swore to always be there for each other. i may be a little crazy and overprotective sometimes, but so is he. i just don't do dumb shit like him." she chuckled, which made avalon do the same.

enough for you ⇒ the summer i turned prettyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن