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avalon stuck by nikolina's side for the rest of the party. she was introduced to some of niki's friends. she was actually enjoying herself. this was one of the first parties she's been to without any drama.

hours had gone by and she hadn't touched her phone once. she wanted to check it incase her mom called her.

she noticed that she had over five missed calls,  but it wasn't from her mom. it was from steven.

she quickly went outside away from all the noise and called him back.

steven picked up the phone right away. "avie! where are you?" he giggled.

"what?" she asked, confused.

"what do you mean 'what'? aren't you and teo coming to my grad party?" he asked. she could hear the excitement in his voice start start to fade.

"fuck." she muttered under her breath. she had completely forgot that her and mateo were supposed to drive to philly for his party tonight.

"shit steven, i'm so sorry." she smacked her hand onto her forehead.

he sighed into the phone, "you forgot didn't you?"

"steven, i'm so sorry. i will get in the car right now and drive over there!" she exclaimed.

"don't worry about it av." he replied. she hated how upset he sounded. how could she forget?

"no steven, i'm going to worry about it. i'm leaving right now. i'll be there in about an hour and a half." she reassured him.

before he could tell her no, she hung up the phone and ran inside to find her brother.

the only familiar face she could find was niki. "hey! do you know where my brother is?" avalon asked frantically.

"yeah.. he's in the basement playing beer pong." she responded, "is everything okay?"

"yeah i just need to leave, like now!" she told her.

"well i was about to leave actually. i can drop you off wherever you need to go!" she offered.

"that's really nice of you, but it's a long drive. i'll just go get mateo." she smiled, "thanks though!" she waved as she walked away.

"oh uh, okay..." she waved back awkwardly, but avalon was already gone, running down to the basement.

she followed the noise of loud boys shouting. she quickly found mateo at the beer pong table. he hadn't been drinking though. he was playing with soda.

"teo!" she shouted.

he was mid throw with the ping pong ball and completely missed the cup. "god damn it av, you messed up my shot!" he threw his arms down in disappointment.

"yeah okay, your sister is the reason you missed." henry teased.

"fuck off henry." he chuckled as he flipped off henry, "i'll be back."

he turned to avalon and shot her a dirty look, "what the hell?" he said with his arms out.

"we have bigger problems right now!" she snapped.

"oh yeah, like what?" he asked her doubtfully.

"we forgot about steven's party!" she crossed her arms.

enough for you ⇒ the summer i turned prettyWhere stories live. Discover now