Chapter 20

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I whined as I rolled around on the bottom of the tank and my stomach kept gurgling. They noticed these past several days I haven't been eating what they gave me. At first, they stopped giving me meat and switched to some seaweed. I did eat some of it, but not that much of it.

Some of the humans were catching on that I was very tired, so that had put a damper on Tomura and the others. I had to wear water-resistant makeup, which Toga had to put on for me because I'd never used makeup before in my time up on the surface. And mostly just because it's aimed at women. But I have seen some men wear makeup and I applaud them for it.

I don't know how Kiri endured all of this for those several years he was held captive in a place like this. I'm just more than thankful that they didn't cut my scales off, however... I brought my arm over to hover over my head and stared at the new bruise I just got today after the day ended. And it's on the only bruises I've got. I put my arm back to the side.

To answer the question as to why I've been getting bruises is because any time I perform, I somehow mess things up at the shows. Even if humans don't realize it, Tomura would complain and punish me. And they have to hide those bruises with, of course, makeup.

I take back what I thought about my tribe, but then again, that tribe and this place are both hell. But, it does lighten up my day that there's at least one human that I know and trust. Yes, I'm talking about Shoto. Despite how tired I was, I was more than happy to see a familiar face again. That gave us some time to talk to each other whenever he was not too busy with his internship. I also did get to know Koda and Asui, and they were incredibly nice to me.

Part of their internship is to research species and their environments and how they live in the ocean. And of course, they asked me a lot of questions when they wanted notes and research about my kind. I told them all that I know, how diverse merpeople are, what we eat and can do, and mentioned our native language.

It was fun because I got to talk to some humans who had no intention to harm me in any way possible. They at least help me get through my day. I smiled at the thought of my other friends and regardless of the little time I spent with some of them, I had fun. Then Kacchan came to my mind.

All those times we would hold hands, cuddle, kiss, and laugh. I think about it every day when I have to pretend I'm smiling. It's hard to smile and pretend to be happy when you're held captive in an aquarium that is treating you horribly.

I would give anything just to get a decent meal around here. I am not eating what they gave me. I turned on my side and I groaned and jolted when my stomach rumbled again.

I'm just so tired, I don't have the energy to move or do tricks to perform. I tried telling them that I eat the same food as humans, but they wouldn't listen and instead give me leftovers of what's left from the other enclosures.

I don't want to move from this spot, I just want to lay here for a while and sleep. I missed having to sleep in a nice bed, I miss the warmth of someone holding me. I imagine myself with Kacchan right next to me on his bed, where he has his arms wrapped around my waist. I slightly smiled at the mental image I conjured up.

Kacchan... I hope you come for me soon... I think I got about ten minutes of sleep, and I heard some distinct thumping on the tank, which woke me up. I didn't lift my head, I just had my eyes slightly opened as I could hazily see some humans knocking on the glass of the tank. Must be Sako and Iguchi coming by to make fun of me again... I just shut my eyes and went back to sleep.

My eyes squint shut when there was something dark covering me up. Usually, I'd have to deal with sleeping with some lights on in the tank above me, but it does feel nice having to sleep in the dark a little bit. I could feel myself getting into a deep sleep. I feel like I'm being lifted as I smile happily in my sleep.

The Merman From Ashore-A Bakudeku Love Story(Ao3 Version, New and Improved)Where stories live. Discover now