Bonus Content(11/11)

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It had been a week since Izuku had given himself up for Eijiro's place as the star of the aquarium, and the person in charge was the one who made him lose the ability to swim again. Katsuki and everyone searched all over the city for him, but no luck. They even had to check a couple more times at the old location just to make sure they weren't there.

While they continued their search, a couple of students were chosen as interns for the same aquarium that Izuku is being held captive at. Tsuyu, Koji, and Shoto were exclusively chosen as the interns and took a bus ride to the next city over. Far away from where they lived.

Tsuyu cleared her throat, "This is so exciting! We're finally getting to experience working with so many different sea animals."

"I know, but I'm a little nervous. What if I mess up?" Koji nervously asked himself as he fidgeted with his fingers.

"Koda, it's okay. None of us are going to be perfect and get it right. Shoto, what about you? Is there anything that you're excited about at the aquarium?"

Shoto was taken aback as his eyes averted from his phone to the others, "Uh, I guess. I don't know. I'm only taking this so my old man would leave me alone."

"Is he still pestering you about your major and wants you to go to law school instead?" Tsuyu asked as she leaned back in her seat.

"Dreadfully, yes. And he does realize that no matter what major you had, anyone could go to law school. You just have to graduate as a good-quality lawyer. I'm not going to get anywhere if I'm brutally honest with clients."

The bus came to a stop. The trio situated themselves out of their seats. "But I do wonder why we have to come here this late at night."

"Maybe they want us to have some peace and quiet to help us focus?" Koji suggested.

They shrugged their shoulders as they went off the bus. Walking down the parking lot, they had some small talk. Then Shoto brought up, "I know when I signed up for it, they never mentioned anything about non-disclosure forms."

"Now that you mention it, that is a bit weird. Could they be hiding something that doesn't or shouldn't get out to the public?" She wondered as she checked her phone one more time before entering the building.

A guard was in front of the building, wearing a little black earpiece on his right ear. Koji pointed it out to the others. "Um, is this a part of our internship?"

"I don't know. A big giant scary guy is waiting for us in front of the very place we're supposed to be, yeah, what else could it be?" Shoto retorted as they made it close to the entrance.

The guard had orange curly hair, cleared his throat, "Apologies for this late notice. My boss figured it would be best if we give you a tour of the aquarium. Here," he pulled out three white cards for them, "These cards give you full access to the entire place, back and front, in and out. You get the jest."

Each of them gets their very own card that'll allow them to enter exclusive locations that are not available to the rest of the public. Shoto, Tsuyu, and Koji followed the guard inside as he swiped the keycard in his hand. The door automatically opened, and he stepped forward as the trio followed behind him.

They heard the door clack and lock. Spooking Koji even more as he hid behind Tsuyu. "There, there, Koda." She assured him by patting lightly on his hand.

Shoto whips his head around the place as he looks around, he raises his hand a little and says, "Um, excuse me, sir?"

"Yes, what is it?"

"Do you know where the bathroom is? I want to fix myself up a little," Shoto inquired as he watched the guard only turn his head to the side.

The guard rolls his eyes and scoffs, "Just follow the signs." He says as he brought his index finger out and pointed at the signs hanging on the ceiling.

The Merman From Ashore-A Bakudeku Love Story(Ao3 Version, New and Improved)Where stories live. Discover now