Bonus Content(7/11)

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Meanwhile, in an undisclosed location, a man is sitting in the dark with ramen noodles as his food supply, while going through his computer. With business in his aquarium running slow after a lawsuit against animal cruelty, he secretly kept back in the business by living here secretly in the now-discontinued aquarium.

In his lounging chair, he has his cup of noodles in his left hand while his right hand is using the mouse to scroll through the internet.

Now, he uses it as a place to illegally sell exotic aquatic animals to buyers. While he's not working, he's looking up things about mermaids and mermen. "Where are you, you red shit fish? I know you're still around here.."

His hand stopped moving when he no longer scrolled down, he found a picture of a couple of girls on social media and saw Eijiro in the background with Izuku wrapping the towel around his waist. "There you are... and of all things you could've worked as, you couldn't stand staying away from the ocean. But, don't worry, you'll be home sooner than you think."

Turning to the side, he got up on his feet to grab the burner phone and dialed a specific number. The phone picked up. "Hello? Yes, it's me, Tomura. Listen, I need you to gather the gang back together again. I've found the missing merman that closed down our business." ... "Kurogiri, I'm positive that it's him. Look, just get everyone to meet up here and we'll come up with a plan to get him back." He ended the call.

He glances back at the computer, he smiles devilishly as he looks at Eijiro and Izuku together. Grazing his fingers on the computer screen, "And you are going to help me, whoever you're with, my star of the aquarium. It'll be back in its glory days when everyone was raving for mermaids and mermen!"

The Merman From Ashore-A Bakudeku Love Story(Ao3 Version, New and Improved)Where stories live. Discover now