Chapter 19

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They can be mad at me all they want, I did the only thing that I could do. I promised to keep Kiri safe from his stalker. Well, stalkers to be specific. I didn't want to, I'll admit, but if they only wanted him for entertainment and used him like he was a toy, then why not give up myself to them?

Though, it doesn't change the fact that I feel guilty for doing that. Especially when Kacchan trusted me to stay safe and not get into trouble and I did. But thinking about the situation now, if I hadn't told them that I'm a merman, they would've taken Kiri back to wherever I'm going now.

I'm all dried off now and nobody saw my tail because by the time I was dried off, we reached out to the backways. I was taken to a black car where the windows are hard to see through on the outside and I was told to keep my head down while they were driving.

It was very silent throughout the whole ride, and not only that, but the ride felt like it took the rest of the day to get to this so-called secret location. Once the car came to a stop, both of them on either side got out of the car, and I left the car on the left side. I was met with cold concrete as I stepped out and saw that it was nighttime already. Slowly looking around at my surroundings, I feel like we're far away from where Kacchand and Kiri live.

Is it too late to go back? I sighed to myself, yes. Yes, it is.

Toga lightly nudged my arm with her elbow, "Come on, we can't leave our boss waiting."

Then Bubaigawara chimed in, "You still haven't told him that we didn't get Kirishima like he wanted? I thought you took care of it."

"I am and I will. I just prefer doing it face to face, he'd be even more angry with me if I told him over the phone."

"You do realize that he hates surprises, right?"

Toga hums to herself as she pulls some kind of card out of the pocket of her skirt, "Which makes it even better. He'll still be in a good mood before he goes off the rails. We're keeping that good mood going until then."

Is their boss some kind of man-child? It would be funny if their boss was a literal kid, like four years old, but since bosses are normally adults, this makes it even weirder if their boss is a man-child. The key card beeped green and the doors opened automatically. She took me by my arm and dragged me inside with Bubaigawara behind us. The doors closed shut tight and I heard a loud clack by the doors.

Toga wasn't lying when she said it's impossible to get in and get out, I feel like this is way worse when I had to be sent to the ruins for punishment. And this place is supposed to look like an aquarium...

Huh. You know, the designs aren't half bad. For a second, I thought it was going to end up in one of those huge creepy places I'd see in movies. Oh, but I was so so wrong. While, yes. Everything seemed like it was aqua-friendly on the outside, but as we walked further and further on the inside, it looked dark and very very artificially organized.

As we were walking, I looked around and saw huge tanks full of fish and sea creatures that I've never seen before in my life. And I've seen everything in the ocean. I noticed some other humans looking my way while working on something with the tanks, cleaning them up, and they glanced over at me curiously.

The man with black hair tilted his head a little bit and asked in a groggy voice, "Weren't you supposed to get Kirishima? Why the hell are you bringing a stranger in here?"

Another man nearby was pulling something out of his sleeve, he pondered, "Tomura's not going to be happy with you."

Toga waved them off, "Oh, shove it, Magic man. I've got this covered. Besides, how can anyone be mad at me? He won't hurt me or anything."

The Merman From Ashore-A Bakudeku Love Story(Ao3 Version, New and Improved)Where stories live. Discover now