Chapter 8

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It's relieving to me that Kacchan and I are... let's just say understanding each other more. He kept his word and he has never asked to see my merman form. He doesn't even bring it up whenever I just randomly say something about the sea and my life in the sea as a merman.

However, I still haven't gotten over my feelings of Kacchan. I don't know what it is, but sometimes when he stands super close to me. To the point our skins brush past each other, I'd get this strange feeling where I'm nervous all of a sudden. Is this some kind of human disease that's super contagious? If it is, I must erase all of this that I feel for... I hesitated to think of the name for a moment but thought of his name. Kacchan.

To my understanding, I think it started this way ever since he rescued that human little boy in the sea. The moment we locked eyes with one another when I was behind that rock, just that moment alone made me feel all warm and tingly on the inside. Why was he giving me that look? Was it because I creeped him out? Then again, it does seem creepy when you were stalking a human that saved a little human boy from drowning.

And now, he doesn't give me that same look whenever we unknowingly make eye contact with one another. It probably doesn't mean anything, but it has become quite a habit. I had to make sure I was looking away from him whenever we're having to listen to Kiri talk about his day, whether it's been a good or shitty day.

Which brings me to what's happening right now. A few days passed and we all decided to settle on some pasta to eat for dinner. Courtesy of Kacchan, who cooked the food. I've been trying to listen to Kiri about his day at a place called a university. So, when Kacchan and Kiri told me that they have to attend university for five days, they explained to me what it is.

People have to pay a bucket load of money just so they can get a piece of paper to get a job. Why?! Like, seriously?? Why does it cost so much money just to go to school? Then they never talked about it with me again. However, they did get scholarships where they got all of their money covered to attend university, so I guess that's cool.

Okay, I'm getting sidetracked on this one. Back to the story, where was I? Oh right, Kiri was shitting about his day and I was playing with my food and I had to hear them discuss an essay they have to write. Thank Poseidon that I just stay at home rather than attend university.

"Shitty Hair, you think that teacher has it out for you?" Kacchan inquired while pointing his fork at him. Then I remembered when Ariel used a fork to brush her hair. I shuddered for a moment and focused back on the conversation.

Kiri let out a dramatic gasp, "Yes! Any time I've given him my thesis, he rips my paper and asks me to write it again! He expects me to figure it out while not giving me a hint of advice. Like, what the hell?!"

"It's probably because it was crap and he just wants you to pass." He suggested.

Kiri retorted, "That's easy for you to say, he doesn't get on your ass all the time." I was about to ask what that meant when he said it, but he said it for me, "It just means he only nags me and not other people."

"I don't get it. Couldn't you just stop taking the class and find something else you want to do? Wouldn't that be easier for you?"

"Oh sweet, sweet Izuku, it's much more complicated than that." What...? "I would drop out of that class, but I'm required to take it if I want to get my bachelor's degree."

"Eh. Just because Shitty Hair has an annoying professor, it's not all that bad."

Huh. That's good to know. "Do you think I would be able to visit this said university you guys keep talking about?" Okay, good. This is the first time I've talked to Kacchan since they got back from school and work.

The Merman From Ashore-A Bakudeku Love Story(Ao3 Version, New and Improved)Where stories live. Discover now