Chapter 4

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"You got kicked out of your house and you're living out on the streets?! Oh my, you poor thing!" Kiri had teary eyes as we continued walking next to each other to the beach.

My story was way longer than I explained it to him, but at least he got the gist of it. "Uh... Yup. That pretty much sums it up."

Kiri rubs the back of his head with his head, then scratches it. His hand stops as his eyes gaze over at me. "You can live with me."

What? "Oh no. I couldn't. I'd be too much of a hassle."

He waves his hand off, "Nonsense. My roommate is more of a hassle than you are. Especially with his temper."

"And how would your roommate feel about it?" I asked skeptically as I crossed my arms at him. We made it down the steps and walked over to the beach. The moment I stepped into the sand, I pounced onto Kiri and wrapped my arms around him tight, avoiding the sand that we're—I mean, he is standing in.

Letting out a nervous chuckle, I unraveled myself off of him and winced at the burning sensation on my feet.

Kiri laughs, "I'm surprised you weren't freaked out by the heat on the concrete, guess you're getting used to your legs right now, huh?"

"Is it always like this?" Because I'm considering making a list of what I hate on the surface. Starting with the hot sand!

"Usually when it's hot and sunny, but then again, it's always hot and sunny in California," he stated. "Anyway, you didn't answer my question."

"About?" I forgot that he asked me something. I know it's about someone with a hot head.

"About staying with me and my roommate. I just have to talk to him about it, that's all." He said as he wrapped his arm around my neck, then moved it away from me. "He's not that bad."

I highly doubt that. "If it's no problem, then why are you concerned about your roommate?"
Kiri hesitantly looked away from me and fiddled with his fingers, "Uh..." then his eyes averted back at me, "Ah! Shoes! You need to wear some shoes!" He then grabs my wrist and pulls me, I stumbled and picked myself back up to catch up with him.

"Kiri! I'm fine! Do I need to wear shoes?"

He ignored me. We continued to head over to that white little house with a red and white cross shown on a sign. Is this where Kiri hangs out all the time? If so, then I should probably consider finding elsewhere to seek shelter.

We took some small steps up to this little shack, he opened the door as we entered. Only two people were in there. I wonder what they're playing with the cards.

"Hey, guys. Have any of you seen Bakugo?"

Both of them side-eyed me with a weird look, then at Kiri. Ignoring me in the room, the guy with a black lightning bolt streak spoke up. And I still can't understand humans... "He's probably up on his post. Speaking of which, I better switch up with him."

"Thanks, Denki." The guy pushed himself off his seat and walked right past us. What the hell did he even say?

"Mind telling me who this little friend of yours is, Kirishima?" The guy with straight black hair, I think, was asking a question, judging by his facial expression. I think it's about me.

"Sero, this is Izuku. I found him by the rocks and he says that he doesn't have a place to go. He doesn't speak or understand English," Kiri told him.

"Um... Kiri? Are you going to get me some shoes?" Since that's what we came here for. Other than the fact, this is the place where his roommate could be.

The Merman From Ashore-A Bakudeku Love Story(Ao3 Version, New and Improved)Where stories live. Discover now