Pinkie Sense

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(A/N): English is not my language, so if you find a grammatical error let me know; 🇧🇷

Brave Heart, Twilight and Spike were outside while Twilight is practicing her magic with Spike wearing a necklace made of leaves, a rock on his head and he is holding a stick. Twilight uses her magic to transform the leaf necklace around Spike's neck into a tuxedo, but then she notices that Spike is distracted.

Twilight Sparkle: Look over here, Spike!

Spike: Uh, sorry.

Twilight then turns the stick Spike is holding into a fancy cane.

Twilight Sparkle: For this to work, it's crucial that we keep our concentration completely on-

???: Ooh!

A familiar female voice was heard, cutting Twilight and her concentration as the rock she turned into a top hat turned back into a rock and was about to land on Spike, but Brave Heart stopped her magic.

Brave Heart: Are you okay, Spike?

Spike: Yes, thank you Brave Heart.

Twilight Sparkle: Spike! This magic needs our full attention for it to happen. There is no other way!

Spike: I can't help it. Look!

Spike pointed at Pinkie Pie, who was running around frantically with an umbrella hat on her head and looking quite worried.

Twilight Sparkle: Ugh, let her go. She's just being Pinkie Pie.

Spike: Super-extra Pinkie Pie today.

Brave Heart: She seems normal to me.

Twilight raised an eyebrow at that.

Twilight Sparkle: What are you talking about?

Brave Heart: I've seen her like this many times.

Twilight Sparkle: Are you sure? Because she looks like she has an umbrella in the daylight.

Everyone then looks to see Pinkie whose tail is moving and approaches her.

Pinkie Pie: Hmm... . Tremelica tremelica trembles.

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie Pie? In the name of Equestria, what are you doing?

Pinkie Pie: Oh! It's my tail! It's my tail! It's just a shambles! And do you know what that means?

Twilight Sparkle: Actually, Pinkie, I have no idea.

Brave Heart: It's Pinkie Sense.

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie what?

Pinkie Pie: Brave Heart is right, Twilight. It's my Pinkie Sense and my tail is twitching, which means things are going to start falling! You three better hide.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, Pinkie, it's not going to rain.

Brave Heart then looks up to see Fluttershy flying above them carrying a large number of frogs on a wooden cart and he smiles at Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: Why, there's barely a cloud in-ugh!

One of the frogs lands on Twilight's nose, which makes her look at it and the frog croaks.

Pinkie Pie: She said "good catch" in Rãmês

Brave Heart laughs at this and Twilight looks at him angrily.

Fluttershy: Oh, I'm sorry.

Everyone then looks at Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: Are you okay, Twilight? I couldn't bear to see the lagoon so crowded, with all the frogs jumping on top of each other, so I decided to take as many as I could to Froggy Bottom Swamp.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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