Return to Canterlot

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(A/N): English is not my language, so if you find a grammatical error let me know; 🇧🇷

Today is another normal day in Ponyville and Mane 7 decided to spend the day at Brave Heart's house. The Brave Heart house was actually a really fun place for the Mane 7, as it had everything they could like. There was a library where Twilight and Spike were reading some of the spell books from Brave Heart, a kitchen where Pinkie Pie is currently making delicious treats for all the ponies, a peaceful backyard where Fluttershy is relaxing with some birds chirping and Rarity is smelling some of the flowers. , a training room where Applejack is hitting a training dummy to test her strength, and a game room where Rainbow Dash and Brave Heart were playing Ping Pong with each other on a table. The score was Rainbow Dash with 12 points and Brave Heart with 23 points.

Rainbow Dash: I can't believe it! But how the hell am I losing to you?!

Brave Heart: Give up Rainbow Dash. You're facing the king of Ping Pong here.

Brave Heart then hits the ball that flies to Rainbow Dash's area, and she tries to send the ball back but misses the racket, giving Brave Heart another point.

Brave Heart: Haha hahaha. How bad is racket. You will lose.

Rainbow Dash: No! Well now that I tie with you.

Brave Heart: I just want to see, but see if it really ties this time.

Rainbow Dash then hits the ball with a racket, but her anger and frustration were so great that the ball bounced all over the game room until it went out the door, bounced in the hallway, entered the library and hit a unicorn that was calmly reading.

Twilight Sparkle: Ouch!

From the game room Brave Heart and Rainbow Dash heard Twilight scream in pain when she was hit by the ball, she then trots angrily to the game room.

Brave Heart: Oh and then what happens to the ball?

Twilight then stops in front of the door while having an irritated expression on her face. Only then does she open her mouth to show that the ball had ended up there.

Brave Heart watches Twilight with the ball in her mouth until she has an idea.

Brave Heart: Rainbow Dash. -she called, pretending to be surprised-

Rainbow Dash: What happened?! -she asked curiously-

Twilight waited for what Brave Heart was going to say as Spike appeared at Twilight's side door.

Brave Heart: Twilight lays eggs in her mouth. -he said playfully-

Brave Heart, Rainbow Dash and Spike started laughing at the joke, Twilight dropped the ball on the floor and huffed in anger, but soon she joined the others' laughter.

Rainbow Dash: (laughs) Sorry, Twilight. But the face you made when you put the ball out on your tongue was hilarious.

Brave Heart: (laughs) Sorry about that, Twilight. Let's try not to hit the balls so hard anymore.

Twilight Sparkle: I hope so.

Twilight left back to the library while Spike stayed in the game room.

Spike: What are you doing?

Brave Heart: Playing Ping Pong. Want to play Spike?

Spike: Of course I do.

Rainbow Dash: Great, I need a partner to knock Brave Heart off the Ping Pong king throne.

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