Parasprites and Cutie Marks Crusaders

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(A/N): English is not my language, so if you find a grammatical error let me know; 🇧🇷

Brave Heart was currently at her house and in her room practicing a spell while reading a spell book on a nearby table. The spell he was practicing was a reverse spell to make anything damaged return to normal. He had eaten an apple down to the core and tried to see if he could reverse the process back to normal.

Brave Heart: Okay, so if I understand correctly. I should be able to get this apple back to the way it was before.

Brave Heart then glowed his horn and in an instant, the apple glowed and it was a whole uneaten apple again. Brave Heart smiled at his ability to learn so many spells.

Brave Heart: I guess when you're an alicorn, doing most spells is easier than you think. But maybe that's just how I am. . . I don't know. I just know who without Sunny and Master Wizard I wouldn't be able to do this.

As he was talking to himself, however, a small insect-like creature flew in front of him and had a blue body and green eyes.

As he was talking to himself, however, a small insect-like creature flew in front of him and had a blue body and green eyes

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Brave Heart: Oh, hello, little friend. Strange. I have a strange feeling that I have seen something like you before. But where?

Then suddenly, rapid knocking was heard on Brave Heart's door as he ran over to it and opened it to see Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie: Brave Heart! Thank you Celestia for being home! Do you have a couple of cymbals, a tambourine, a tuba and some maracas?!

Brave Heart: Or! Or! Or! Slow down, Pinkie. Why do you need these instruments, anyway?

Pinkie Pie: Don't you what's going on Ponyville?!

Brave Heart: In Ponyville?

Brave Heart leaves his house to see hundreds of the same creatures flying around and eating everything in sight. He was simply amazed at what he was seeing.

Brave Heart: They're destroying the entire city! Oh. Now I remembered where I know these things from. They are Paraprites. I've seen them once before. But from what I remember they eat food and not the stuff lying around.

Pinkie Pie: It seems like Twilight somehow got them to stop eating their food and eat everything instead.

Brave Heart: Oh no! Bad day! Bad day! Bad day! One just entered my house!

Brave Heart dragged Pinkie into her house to try and stop the only Parasprite that was in her house, but by the time the two entered the room, the damage had already been done. The Parasprite multiplied as there were dozens now and they bit many things in Brave Heart's living room such as a coffee table, the couch and her bookshelf. Brave Heart then turns to Pinkie with a worried look on her face.

Brave Heart: Okay, Pinkie, you said you know how to contain those pesky little critters?

Pinkie Pie: Yes! Do you have trombones or maracas?

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