Vic: Andy, Robert told me last night what happened.

Andy: I don't want to talk about it.

Vic: I know you don't want to, but try to understand his side. Give him a chance to explain himself.

Andy: You're my only friend that I've confessed my fear of Robert cheating on me. You are the only person who knows how distressed I was about this and you assured me he wouldn't do it.

Vic: I remain with my opinion. He's not cheating on you. He was wrong to lie, but this son is part of his past.

Andy: A child will never be passed on. A son will always be present in his life. And not only will a son be present, but this other woman as well. And after he lied to me, I completely lost trust in his words. I don't want to talk to him while my mind just tells me that I shouldn't believe another word he says. Because while I'm thinking these things, the only decision I can make is to file for divorce, but at the same time, I don't know how I'm going to bear the pain this will cause me and my daughter. I need time to not make any decisions that I might regret.

Vic: I know you're hurting and I don't argue with you, but I saw the pain in Robert's eyes too and I still think he deserves the chance to explain himself.

Andy: He'll get his chance, but not now. Not when I'm suffering and won't be able to make any decision rationally.

Vic remained silent as she understood her friend's arguments and saw no other way to try to help the couple at that moment.

Andy: Vic, can you hang out with Jade outside for a bit? I need to finish sorting some materials to take to my parents' house. I want to have something to occupy my mind before I freak out about all this.

Vic: Of course.

Vic put the baby back in her stroller and went to reception, where she played with the baby while waiting for Andy to finish her demands.

Andy didn't stay long at the station. She just set aside some materials so she could have something to occupy her mind while she was at her parents' house. So, once she got everything she wanted, she put the baby in the car, where there was already a suitcase with some clothes for her and her daughter.

As soon as they saw their daughter arrive, Pruit and Elena were scared.

Pruit: Andrea, what's going on? Robert came looking for you and now you arrive home with a suitcase and this amount of papers.

Andy: I can't talk right now, but I need to know if I can stay here with my daughter for a few days?

Elena picked Jade up and said:

Elena: Of course you can stay here as long as you need. But we're worried about you and Robert.

Andy: I really don't want to talk about it right now. I need some time. I go to my old room.

Elena: Okay. We will respect you. You can go and rest and we will take care of Jade for you.

Andy: Thank you.

Throughout the day, Andy remained quiet in her room, avoiding talking to her parents. She tried to work on some of the documents she had brought, but even then she couldn't forget what she was facing.

It was late afternoon when she saw a message arrive on her cell phone.


"Andy, I'm leaving the Department now. I would like to see you. I would like to see Jade. Can I go to your parents' house?"

From one night to life Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora