Chapter 49

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"I'm with Carina in a coffee shop and Captain Sullivan is on a date with a very beautiful woman. He didn't see us. I will take a picture of the two of them to send to you."

Andy read Maya's message and was completely freaked out that Maya was telling the truth.

A few seconds later, Maya sent a photo clearly showing Robert and an apparently tall, thin woman with straight black hair, wearing very elegant social clothes. Robert appeared clearly in the photo with a smile on his face.

Andy started to feel her hand shake, a lump formed in her throat and the thoughts started to race through her mind: "He is cheating on me while I wait for him at home. That's why the cell phone is turned off. Of course he doesn't want to be disturbed while he's seeing other women. What an idiot I am to trust him so much."

She was crying while Maya and Vic didn't stop texting.


"Wow. The captain really had good taste. She is very beautiful and looks very elegant."


"The captain is also wearing a suit that makes him look very sexy. Tonight promises for these two."


"Yes. He is very sexy."

Observing Andy's silence, Vic said:


"Andy, aren't you going to say anything?"


"Now that they're friends, Andy probably already knew he had a date and didn't even tell us."

Andy was furious. Furious with Robert. Furious with her friends. She felt her head wanting to explode with so much pain and anguish.


"I did not know anything. And do you want to know? I have more important things to do than keep an eye on what our captain is doing."

Andy decided she didn't want to know any more. She turned off her cell phone and went to her father's house as fast as she could. All she wanted was to lie in her bed and cry out all the anger she was feeling.

Meanwhile, in the coffee shop, Robert was talking to Martha, the woman he had met at the department.

Martha: I called you here because I couldn't have this conversation next to Dixon.

Robert: All right. What is this conversation about?

Martha: I noticed that you know Lieutenant Herrera very well and I would like to ask you a few questions. First, it's important for you to know that Dixon is trying to get proof so that Lieutenant Andrea Herrera is not promoted to captain. So far, he's used arguments like "Women are sentimental and can't make decisions rationally" or "If she gets pregnant, the station will be harmed." Anyway... he has been bringing arguments that have not convinced the members of the department. So I know that he will get closer and closer to her to record any mistakes she may make.

Robert: This is nonsense. Why would he want so badly that the job wouldn't go to her? This story that it's because she's a woman is no longer convincing.

Martha: The truth is, he wants to promote his son, Emmett. The boy has no talent for being a firefighter, let alone leading a team. He was promoted to lieutenant because of his father, and again he will be promoted without any qualifications. If we can't stop that, 19 is in danger of being driven by him.

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