Chapter 24

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Ryan had been aware of Andy's movement while she was in Robert's car, but since the car windows were tinted, he couldn't see who Andy was with. But from the smile that Andy showed as soon as he got out of the car, he guessed it was the mysterious boyfriend, since in the last few days all he saw was his sad and despondent friend.

As soon as Robert left, Andy went to Ryan's house. She noticed him looking towards her house and soon imagined he had seen it all. Ryan wasn't a guy who lied and didn't even like secrets, so he admitted to Andy what he'd seen.

Ryan: It was he wasn't it? In the car... Your mystery boyfriend.

Andy laughed at the way Ryan referred to Robert.

Andy: It was him. And I confess that I'm having fun with this curious way of yours.

Ryan: I'm not curious. I'm just worried about who you're meeting, since no one can know.

Andy: I ​​assure you, there's nothing to worry about. He's one of the best people I've ever met in my life and I feel safe around him.

Ryan: Andy, there are a lot of men who seem to be nice and then attack women. And you are so involved with this man that no one knows. It may be dangerous.

Andy: I ​​know you're just trying to protect me. And I know there are a lot of bad men out there. But believe me, he's not like these guys. He is opposite. He came from far and wide to see me and try to help me through this difficult time. He takes care of me like no other boyfriend has.

Ryan: Hey Andy... Hold on. So you're saying I didn't take care of you when we were dating?

Andy: Ryan, you're different. You've always taken care of me practically since we were born and you continue to take care of me even after so many years since we broke up. But you're like a brother to me, unlike all the other guys I've dated. When you meet this mysterious boyfriend of mine, you'll understand what I'm saying.

Ryan accepted Andy's arguments. He wasn't jealous of her, but he did care about Andy and just wanted to make sure she wasn't getting involved with someone who might do her wrong.

Andy: Ryan, can I ask you a favor?

Ryan: Of course you do.

Andy was completely embarrassed to ask Ryan to take care of Pruit again, but she needed some time to be with Robert.

Andy: This mystery boyfriend of mine, as you said, doesn't live in the city and he came to see me because he knew I was in need of support. He can't stay in town long and he'll be gone soon. I just wish I could be with him a little. Could you stay with my dad this afternoon so I can go out?

Ryan: You know I never deny you anything, right?

Andy: No wonder you're my best friend. Thank you.

Ryan: You can stay overnight. I don't have any plans for today. I'll stay with your father as long as you need. I know you need to distract yourself after all these hard days.

Andy: I'm going back to sleep with my dad. And once again, thank you very much.

Andy hugged Ryan in thanks and walked back to her house. She made her father's lunch and went to get ready to meet Robert at the usual hotel.

Andy arrived at the hotel to find Robert sitting up in bed, reading a book. She sat down beside him and rested her head on his shoulder.

Andy: Thanks for coming.

Robert put the book on the bedside table and kissed her. The two were silent, hugging and feeling how good was the presence of one in each other's lives.

From one night to life Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant