Chapter 76

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After the success of the Halloween party, Andy and Robert finally managed to have a day off together. They had worked intensely in the last few days and the few moments together were to discuss the organization of the party.

For this free day, Andy and Robert decided that they would dedicate part of the time to spending time with Pruit and Elena. Elena had not yet permanently moved to Seattle, but she spent most of her days in the city, although she still needed to return to New York a few times for her activities at the local station. Therefore, Andy wanted to make the most of her time off from work to be with those she loved most. So, the family agreed to walk in a park in the morning and have lunch together at Pruit's house.

When Andy and Robert arrived at the agreed location, Pruit and Elena were already there. They looked like two teenagers dating and it was still weird for Andy. Robert noticed his wife's looks at her parents and decided to question her.

Robert: Hey, may I know what you're thinking?

Andy: Would it be cruel for me to say that I find it strange to see my parents like this, as a happy couple?

Andy stopped to think about what she had said and ended up concluding:

Andy: Don't get me wrong. I, more than anyone else, want them to be happy. But for most of my life, I got used to my father alone and the certainty that I would never see my mother again. And now they are together, like in my childhood. Or rather, they are more in love than before. This is confusing to me.

Robert: You have a right to have mixed feelings. Your life has changed a lot. It would be strange if you simply ignored everything you've experienced throughout your life and acted as if your mother had never left. I understand you and I'm grateful that you trusted to tell me what you're feeling.

Andy: It's always nice to tell you how I feel.

Robert: I will always be available to listen to you, but I think it's important that you tell your psychologist what you're feeling.

Andy: I've already been talking to her. Diane told me that part of the process of healing my trauma is that I reorganize my feelings for my mother and also for my father.

Andy and Robert were still talking when they were interrupted, as Elena and Pruit noticed they had arrived and were waving at the couple.

Elena: Hello my dears.

Andy: Hi mom, hi dad.

Robert: Hi Elena, hi Pruit.

Everyone greeted each other and soon started walking through the park. Both couples were happy. The day was brightly sunny, which was unusual to see in Seattle at this time of year. It was already a little cold, but nothing that would stop them from having a fun morning with their family.

Elena: Andrea, do you remember when we had picnics in this park?

Andy: I never forgot that. I missed these moments with you, Aunt Sandra and Michele.

Elena: We can invite them for a picnic again.

Andy: Would they accept it? I never heard from them again.

Elena: Now that I'm in Seattle more often, we need to get the family back together.

Andy: I would love to have them at my house.

Pruit: Robert, get ready for this meeting with a lot of women who won't stop talking for a second. When they get together, there is loud music and lots of talking.

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