Chapter 50

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When Andy saw the blood and Ryan lying on the ground, she felt her world collapse and immediately she passed out, falling into Travis's arms.

After the shot was fired, the killer jumped out the window, taking advantage of everyone's dispersion to help Ryan. However, what he didn't imagine was that the police who surrounded the outside of the building were exactly close to where they heard the shot and after running after him down the street, the police managed to catch and arrest him.

Meanwhile, inside the building, Ryan was unconscious and losing a lot of blood, since the bullet had hit him in the thigh where an important artery had been perforated. Robert was very concerned about Andy, but in addition to the fact that at that moment the priority was to save Ryan's life, he could not leave signs that would make the others realize that his concern for Andy went beyond a captain-lieutenant relationship. Then he and Ben began rescue procedures. However, while tending to Ryan, he still asked Travis:

Robert: Montgomery, was she hurt?

Travis quickly checked on Andy, who was lying on the floor.

Travis: No Captain. She's just passed out, but there's no injury.

Robert: Take care of her. Don't leave her side for a minute and keep me informed of everything that's going on with Herrera.

Travis: Yes Captain. I will do this. I would never leave her alone in that circumstance and, even when she wakes up, I won't abandon her at any time.

Travis began to perform procedures that could make Andy wake up and at that moment the rest of the 19 team was also arriving at the apartment where they were.

Robert: Bishop and Miller tend to the first patient. Gibson and Hughes are in charge of the other patient. Warren and I will take Tanner to the hospital.

Robert saw that Andy was waking up and was a little calmer. But he couldn't waste time.

Robert: Montgomery, take care of Herrera. Get a cab and take her to Grey Sloan.

Travis: Okay captain.

Robert thought it best that Andy wasn't with them in the ambulance, because if Ryan didn't resist, it would be a huge trauma for her to see her best friend dying.

Ben was having a hard time keeping Ryan's blood contained. Robert drove as fast as he could and they made it to the hospital with Ryan alive.

Doctors at Grey Sloan immediately took him to the operating room.

Close behind, Travis arrived with Andy.

Travis: Captain, she's fine, but she doesn't want to say anything. She's staring like her soul and body aren't connected. I think she's in shock.

Robert: I take care of her. Please let Captain Herrera know what happened.

Travis: I'll do it.

Robert: Thank you. You and Warren can return to the station. I'll be here waiting for news and following Herrera.

As soon as Travis and Ben left, Robert approached Andy, but he noticed that there were too many police officers in the area. He wanted to hold her, but he couldn't. So he sat down opposite her and looking into her eyes he said:

Robert: Let's not lose hope. I'm here for you and I'll stay by your side as long as it takes.

As he said these words to Andy, he felt like he was talking to himself, as Andy was not showing any reaction. It was like she wasn't there. She was in a state of shock to see her best friend get shot in front of her. Even worse was thinking that he only got that shot because he stepped in front of her. Ryan was putting his life on the line to save Andy's life. She felt guilty and afraid of everything that was happening. Seeing her like that was breaking Robert's heart.

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