Chapter 44

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Maya found it strange that her friend had stayed away from her own party for so long to be alone with Robert, but since Andy said she was just helping him since his leg was hurting, Maya preferred to believe her friend and not question her.

When the two arrived in the room, the 19 team was all still there and they still had the energy to drink and talk all night. However, Ben, being the most responsible of the group, warned them:

Ben: I think we all need to stop drinking and go back to our homes to rest because tomorrow we have a new work shift.

Dean: You're right. Believe me, working with a hangover is not cool.

Lucas: I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that and I didn't see all of you drunk tonight. I just hope that tomorrow you will be able to work.

Maya: We'll be fine tomorrow chief.

Lucas then looked at Andy and said:

Lucas: Do you know where Sully is?

Andy: He's in my room.

Pruit hadn't seen Andy take Robert into the bedroom, so he was surprised to hear her say that to her chief. But he declined to comment, just noted that detail. Maya was also nearby and watched her friend talk to her chief, as she still hadn't fully believed what Andy had told her a few minutes before.

Lucas: I came with my car, that's why I didn't drink all night. I can take him back to the hospital. He won't have to take a taxi.

Andy: I'll call him.

Lucas: Thanks Herrera.

Andy went to her room to call Robert. Before leaving the room, she gave him a quick kiss and then they went to the living room.

Once everyone was gone, Andy and Pruit quickly cleaned up the mess they had made in the house and before they went to rest, Pruit asked Andy a question.

Pruit: Andy, why was the captain in your room?

Andy: He was just resting because his leg was sore.

Pruit: In that case, he should go to my room. I don't think it's right for him to stay in a woman's room.

Andy: Hey Dad, you're seeing problems where there aren't any. He was in pain, he needed to lie down, he went to my room and that's it. Nothing more than that happened.

To end the conversation, Andy gave her father a kiss and went to her room to sleep.

The next day, the team was in the kitchen eating breakfast and talking about the party at Pruit's house the night before.

Travis: Yesterday was a lot of fun, but I confess that working with a hangover is not a good idea. My head hurts.

Ben: Those are the consequences of drinking too much. I only drank a little and I'm fine.

Dean: We need to learn from you Ben.

Travis: We may have had a lot to drink, but I'll never forget the stories we told yesterday.

Maya: Yes. It was hilarious. Especially Captain Sullivan's. I never would have thought that he would have so many funny stories to tell.

Vic: His presence really made the night more fun. And speaking of Captain Sullivan, does anyone know what day he gets out of the hospital?

Andy: If all goes well, within 2 days he can go home and also return to work just at the office. Calls on the streets will remain with my father, because the captain does not have enough strength in his leg yet.

From one night to life Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz