Chapter 48

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Lucas: Sully, if you really love Herrera, you need to get away from her.

Robert: No. This is impossible. I will never walk away from her.

Lucas: My promotion and yours are confirmed. With that, the vacancy of captain of the 19 will be free and, in a meeting in the department, almost everyone decided that they want Herrera to take the position. And soon you will be interviewed by the department to get your opinion on her ability to take on 19.

Robert: No doubt she is the best option. She's prepared to take over and I'm sure she'll make a great captain just like her father.

Lucas: I agree with you. Herrera is the best option we have and she knows how to handle any call with excellence. She knows the station like no one else and deserves to be promoted. But for Herrera to take office, she will face a very strong obstacle. Dixon. He was the only one against her promotion. He is against women having leadership positions.

Robert: This is nonsense. What century are we in? She is extremely competent and has a natural talent for leadership. The fact that she is a woman does not change her competence at all.

Lucas: I know. You're right. But Dixon is willing to seek proof that Herrera is not qualified to be captain. I know Dixon and I know he won't give up. And if he finds any sign that you are together, he will certainly be able to prevent Herrera from being promoted, as he is very influential within the department.

Robert: And that's why you're asking me to get away from her.

Lucas: Yes. Since the accident, you are closer, even in the presence of other people. People at 19 might think it's just friendship, but if the department suspects you're dating, you're breaking a rule and that's going to mess things up. Also, they may understand that you are agreeing to her promotion to favor her and not on merit. You need to get away from her for a few weeks, until she actually becomes captain of the 19 and until we can, together, find a solution so that your courtship goes public.

Robert: I hate having to go through so many lies to be with the woman I love. You do not understand me. I would do anything for her sake, but I'm not prepared to walk away from the woman in my life.

Lucas: I understand you my friend.

Robert: Unfortunately you don't understand. Only she and I know what we face daily to hide our love.

Lucas: You're wrong Sully. I know exactly what you're going through, because I'm also going through the same problem.

Robert: What do you mean by that?

Lucas: Now that I know your secret, it's only fair that I tell you mine. I too have a forbidden romance with a woman at the station. Victoria and I have been together for a few months now.

Robert: Hughes?

Lucas nodded in confirmation.

Robert: Wow. I would never have guessed that. So that's why you hit her gift on the secret friend? You knew she liked musicals.

Lucas: Yes. I knew it. And I also knew that she really wanted to watch that musical, but the tickets were expensive and she had given up on going.

Robert: Glad you gave it to her. She is a good woman and she deserves to have someone like you by her side. I am happy for you, but I warn you that if you hurt Hughes, I will be supporting her and not you.

Lucas: I will never hurt her.

Robert: I know you don't. You are also a good man and I believe you will be happy together, just like Andy and I.

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