Chapter 69

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Hey everyone, we apologize for not sticking to the schedule we set for posting new chapters, but real life work had to take priority. Now we're back and we hope you enjoy this chapter.

From inside the car, Andy looked up at Elena's office window on the second floor. She could see her mother crying as she looked at their car. They stayed for a few moments exchanging looks and without realizing what she was doing, Andy got out of the car again and walked towards the station.

Her steps were quick and her gaze fixed on the destination she wanted. Some firefighters who were along the way were surprised by the way she walked, but she didn't care about anyone else at that moment.

From inside her office, Elena saw that her daughter was returning and soon tried to wipe the tears from her eyes. However, when Andy entered the room, Elena received a tight hug. An unexpected hug, but one that she deeply desired. That hug made her cry even more, but this time tears of joy. They were hugged in silence for a few seconds until Andy decided to say:

Andy: It's been hard for me to forgive you, but I don't want to hate you either. I need some time to digest all this, but I understand that depression is an illness and that you weren't well. I'm sorry about that. I'm sorry we had to part ways because of untreated depression.

Elena: I understand you my daughter and I will wait for your time to truly forgive me.

Andy didn't say anything, just gave her mother a slight smile.

Elena: Andrea, if I come to Seattle, would you have me? I don't say to stay at your house, just visit it.

Andy: You'll be welcome in my house.

Elena rejoiced at the possibility of a sincere rapprochement with her daughter. Her heart was warm and she promised herself that she would do whatever it took to make up for her absence for all the years that passed. She would now try to be closer to her daughter and also to the man she had always loved.

Andy: I need to go. My flight will be soon. I'll be waiting for you in Seattle.

Andy hugged her mother one last time and returned to the car.

Robert: Are you okay?

Andy: I know my mom did a lot of things that let me down. She hurt me and it still hurts so much, but I couldn't leave without hugging her. I would be too cruel if I didn't give her this chance to reconnect. Everything she did was wrong, but it was what was possible to do in the face of the deep depression she had.

Robert felt that Andy was distressed and saying the words so quickly as if she feared his judgment. Then, he placed his fingers on his wife's chin, making her look into his eyes.

Robert: Hey... calm down. I am not and could not be judging what you did. That feeling is yours and only you can handle it.

Andy sighed in relief upon hearing her words. Soon Robert continued:

Robert: But you know, if I were in your place... if I could have the chance to see my parents again for even a moment, I would hug them too.

Andy hugged her husband tightly. She hugged him not only to feel welcome, but also to welcome him. She was suffering, but she was being given an opportunity he would never have. Now, only she was her family and she would give him all the love he needed to fill the gaps he felt.

They both needed that hug. A hug that didn't need any more words to complete the affection that one transmitted to the other. In silence, they got into the car and drove to the airport.

From one night to life Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora