CH:27 - Last Chapter

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I was looking at the children running here and there in front of me. I am now in the orphanage built by Taehyung's company. I come here every week to see them. It really comforts me.

It's been four years since I last saw Taehyung, even if our last meeting wasn't so nice.

I did not go to the court even for the divorce, my mother's lawyer took advantage of my disability and did all that without my presence. I really thank him for that.

Saya came to meet me a week ago. She is married now. She married the son of the gardener who looked after the garden of Taehyung's mansion in those days. He's a really nice guy. Saya is now very happy with him and she is no longer a servant. That's what I wanted too, for her to enjoy her life and she can't do that being my maid. Now she is free.

"Aunt Addie, is this beautiful?" The little girl asked me, showing me the picture she had been drawing for so long. When I saw it, I remembered the painting that Taehyung had brought from Milan for me. Fortunately, Saya had sent all my paintings in a separate suitcase.

"very beautiful." I told her. It's really well drawn for her age. A big smile crossed her face, lifting her little rosy cheeks.

"Thank you! I'll draw another one!" She squealed happily, before running to the other children to show them her picture too. I chuckled at her cuteness.

They are all children between five and eight years old. I can't imagine how their parents could have thought of abandoning them. They are very innocent children. They know nothing about this cruel world. But their parents are heartless enough to leave them alone in this world.

But again, we can't blame without knowing the real reason.

Maybe they have fair reasons too.

"Miss Adelina." My head turned towards the door of the room. A sister was standing there. "Mother Maria told you to come to church."

"Okay." I smiled at her. Lucia, the maid who works at my mother's house, came to me from the end of the room. She is about the same age as my mother.

She has a married son. But still she works for my mother. She carried my wheelchair out of the building.

As soon as we came out, the soft cold wind of November hit my body, lifting my half-tied hair.My eyes closed for a moment enjoying the freshness of the air.It's really relaxing.

As Lucia took me to the front of the church, my eyes fell on Mother Maria, but what really shocked me was something else.

It was Taehyung there with her and Jiwon by his side. She has a little baby in her arms.

About a year after we divorced, my mom said that he married Jiwon. It's a lie if I say it didn't break my heart but after all that's why I left him. Because I want him to be happy like a normal person with a family.

As soon as his eyes fell on mine, our eyes locked. I felt like my world stopped. He said something to Mother and came towards me. Now I know why Mother asked me to come.

As Taehyung approached me, Mother went inside the church with Jiwon. Miss Lucia gave us privacy and left. Now there are only the two of us.

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