Chapter 16

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Lifting her like that would take a lot of upper body strength, but he could probably pull it off. Thoughts of him holding her up while he thrust into her filled his own mind, causing his cock to twitch in anticipation. No wonder Abby had kicked her ass. She would have probably kicked his as well if he was thinking about it while sparring.

"It's stupid," she murmured in annoyance.

No, not by a long shot. He was growing aroused just thinking about it. Was he going to be spending all of his time around her constantly aroused until he finally mated her? "No it's not. It's hot. I can understand why that would be distracting." He was distracted now, thinking about it, and hard.

"Well it got my ass kicked," she grumbled.

"Did you dream about..?" He wouldn't be surprised if she hadn't, but he was curious, especially if she was already fantasizing about him like she was.

"About you?"


"Yes, but only for a few weeks. And it wasn't until the night before my birthday that I actually knew it was you," she said quietly.

His eyes flickered in surprise. 'You actually knew it was me?" How was that fair? But then again..

"Yes. So I wasn't overly surprised you were my mate," she admitted.

This whole thing hadn't taken her by surprise at all then. He was a little jealous of that, but at the same time, if he'd been aware he was having sex dreams with Natalia before she was eighteen, he would have seriously thought something was wrong with him. It was better that he hadn't known. Especially for as long as his dreams had gone on.

"Did you dream of me?" she asked.

"Yes. But I never knew who you were," he said.

"Until my party?"


She didn't say anything to that and neither did he. He'd been miserable at her party, wondering what was going to happen. Knowing she was going to reject him. He'd barely been able to concentrate on the conversations around him. He'd never in a million years thought he'd be laying here the next evening, holding her in his arms, contemplating mating her. But here they were.

"Are you hungry?" Dom asked her, changing the subject. He needed to calm down and he knew Natalia had missed lunch. She had to be starving, especially after all the healing her wolf had done.

"I haven't ate since breakfast," she said.

"Then let's go get something to eat." He let go of her and got up.

Natalia got up as well and followed him to the door.

Dom stopped and turned to her and frowned as his gaze settled on her very visible nipples. "You're not going out like that."

She glared at him and crossed her arms over her chest. "You're not my father, Dominic."

He raised an eyebrow at her, then flipped her around and pressed her against his door. He'd moved so fast, she hadn't had time to react. "I have no desire to be your father, kitten, but I will not hesitate to spank you if you're going to be a brat." He might just because.

She glared up at him.

He leaned in close, pressing against her. "Your nipples belong to me," he said softly against her ear. "And I will not have any single male werewolf who suddenly needs a snack staring at them. They're quite visible in that tank top and very distracting."

A small thrill ran through Natalia at his words. She really hadn't given any thought to how she was dressed and it had annoyed her that he'd called her out on it. She really hadn't meant to drop the comment about her father. It had just popped out of her mouth, and she was annoyed with herself for saying it.

The Panther's Second Chance (Book 10 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now