Chapter 33

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The plane landed in Australia many hours later. Natalia had ended up sleeping part of the flight, cuddled up in Dominic's arms. She loved sleeping with him.  He always held her so close and he was very content.  So was she. She was perfectly happy spending her life with him. 

He wasn't really what she'd expected. She hadn't known him before though. He was the odd one in the pack who seemed always busy and aloof. The quiet one who was always observing. She hadn't paid much attention to him as a child, but once she'd gotten old enough to notice men in general, Dominic Beckham had caught her eyes.  He was hard not to notice with his thick black hair and startlingly blue eyes. And his body. She'd taken more than one peak at him throughout the years.

But she still hadn't known him. Known how sweet and kind and sexy he was. She was happy with him as her mate. Very happy. She couldn't wait until they got home and settled into their apartment together. It would be their place. Not his room, or her room, not that she minded, but it was sort of a new beginning.

The plane landed at a nearby small airport.  Unlike most of the packs, Tanami didn't have their own airstrip yet. Dom had rented a car and planned to show up unannounced. "They don't have time to cover anything up," he'd told her.

They got off the plane and left the small airport. He'd requested the car be brought to the airport and it was waiting for them when they arrived. Dom opened her door for her, then walked around the car and got behind the wheel. He frowned. "I haven't done this in a while."

Natalia glanced up at him.  "Driven?" 

He smiled at her. "Driven on the wrong side of the road."

"Well here it's the right side," she pointed out. 

"Technically, it's the left side," he said pointedly.

Natalia rolled her eyes at him. "Same thing. How far is the drive?"

"An hour, I think." He pulled his phone out and punched in the address. "Or longer."

"I don't think I've ever been on a trip this long," Natalia muttered. She was tired of traveling. 

"Have you been here before?" Dominic asked her.

"Nope. Unless I was here as a baby and I don't remember," she said, thinking.

"Probably not then. Nick and Noelle were pretty protective of you. I don't think they'd bring you to an oversized island where everything is trying to kill you," Dom muttered.

She laughed. "Well kiss me and lets get going."

He looked at her and his eyes glowed brightly. "I haven't touched you in over twenty-four hours."

"I know, Dom. I want you to, too," she said quietly.

"I want to. Soon. I need to," he murmured. 

"Dom, kiss me please," she begged. 

His lips came down on hers, and he wrapped an arm around her.  His kiss was demanding, which she loved, and she opened her mouth, letting him in. He deepened the kiss even more, until she almost felt like he was possessing her and she moaned. He pulled back finally, looking at her, his eyes full of promise. "Soon, kitten. Soon, I'll be inside of you." He started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

The drive was long, and Natalia was restless. She knew it was because she'd been enclosed in such a small space for so long. She longed to get out and stretch her legs, to let her wolf out and run. Being in the plane for so long, and then the even smaller car.. well she could understand why Dominic hated it. 

The car Dominic had rented was a sporty little thing and not automatic.  She'd watched him shift easily and wondered how long he'd been driving for. As long as cars had been around she guessed, which was probably why he knew how to drive stick. "Will you teach me one day?"

The Panther's Second Chance (Book 10 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz