Start from the beginning

His jaw flexes and he grits his teeth. "That is no way to talk to me."

I roll my eyes. "Just tell me what the fuck you want."

He puts both his hands on the table. "I just want to say I am sorry. For everything I have done. I want to come back to the family. I will get a job and I will try my hardest to make things better."

My hands turn into fists. "Do you know what you have done to this family? Mom is out working till 8pm at night. Just to feed us while you are out cheating on her and partying. Do you think we want you back in the house?"

He runs a hand down his jaw. "I know. I am sorry but just forgive m-" I slam my hands onto the table. "I am not going to fucking forgive you. Do you want me to make a list of all the things you have done?"

His eyes widen. "But, I promise I will be good this time. I won't go out. I will get a new job and provide for my family."

"Do you know how many promises you have made that you haven't kept? I have tried so fucking hard to forgive you every time you come home drunk and beat the shit out of me. Every time you cheat on mom. Every time you go out and not come home for days."

He looks at me like he is shocked by my words. "I am so sorry son. I have been a horrible dad."

"Yeah you have been." His mouth opens slightly and I roll my eyes again. "What do you think I am going to say? 'oh no you haven't been a bad dad.' I am not gonna say that when you are a shit dad."

His eyebrows furrow and I could see the anger on his face. "Don't fucking talk to me like that." He points a finger at me.

"Oh do you not like the truth?" I snap. He opens his mouth slightly but closes it.

"Now just stay the fuck away from my family."

I get up from the table no even wanting to hear his side of the story pulling my keys out of my pocket.

I go to pull my phone out of my pocket when someone smashes me into the wall.

My dad holds me up by my shirt. "You think you can talk to me like that? I could get you fucking kicked out of your house in seconds. Cause you wanna know who owns all that shit. Me." He spits in my face.

I slam my hands into his chest and he falls to the ground.

Weak shit.

"Shut the fuck up. I could put you in jail for all the times you have hurt mom." I get down and my right arm swings into his jaw.

I could see the frustration in his eyes and he gets up and swings his fist into my cheek. His ring cutting my cheek causing it to bleed.

Are you fucking kidding me that bruise only just healed.

He gets up and grabs me throwing to the ground. My head hits the ground and my eyes go blurry.

I see his figure come close to me as he throws two punches.

I couldn't feel any pain all I could feel was anger. How someone could do this to their child.

I get up off the ground and tackle him onto the grass kneeing him a couple times and shoving me elbow in is face.

"Fuck." He yelps.

I get up tasting the blood falling onto my lip. "What the hell are you two doing?" A male voice says and I turn around and see a small guy walking towards us.

"Nothing Michael." My dad gets up blood pouring from his nose.

I storm to my car and just drive. I have no idea where the hell I am going because I know I can not go home.

That one trip to ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now