Catching up

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Artiko: Tell me. *sits down* What have a missed? Where's Sorrel and Sorra? I say sorry to them.

Daiko (Night): *looks down* ...

Artiko: What's wrong?

Daika (Night): I think... *puts a hand on Daiko's shoulder* ...we have to show you something.

Artiko: *raises a brow* ?


Artiko: *looks at the gravestones with names on them* No... *finds the one's that say "Sorrel" and "Sorra"* It...can't be...what happened?

Daiko (Night): ... *takes a deep breath before stepping forward* There...there was an evil Saiyan that came to my home and...killed everyone and left me to suffer their losses. That was a pain I do not wish on anyone else.

Artiko: I see...I should've been...? *sees Daika's gravestone* ...but... *turns to see Daika*'re alive.

Daiko (Night): This Daika isn't...from this timeline...the original died along the others. I couldn't save her either...

Daika (Night): I come from a timeline similar to Daiko here except...I'm the only survivor and not Daiko. To make matters worse...another evil Saiyan wished for my timeline to be erased. Luckily I wasn't in my own timeline so I avoided being erased. I lost everything twice.

Artiko: I...I don't know what to say. *goes to Daika and hugs her* It doesn't matter if you're from here or not. You're still my daughter. I will continue to love you like my daughter because you are.

Daika (Night): *hugs him back* Thanks dad.

Daiko (Night): *smiles* I'm really happy to see you here dad. I weren't alive either.

Artiko: *lets go of Daika* Yes. I a bad place with bad people. Almost as if I was trapped somewhere. I couldn't move. It was...bone chilling. I can't even describe the place because it was pure darkness. Nothing more. Until the day I returned, I saw a light and I could move again. I reached towards it and I was in a dying planet. It was then I only realized that I've been kept inside of a planet. I had to grab a ship and leave immediately. And now I'm here. With you two once again.

Daiko (Night): And we're glad you're here too dad. *realizes something* That reminds me. There's two more people.

Artiko: Hm? Who may they be?

Daiko (Night): These...are my daughters. Celera and Okra.

Artiko: Daughters?

Celera: Umm...hi? I'm Celera.

Okra: Woah...I'm Okra. Nice to meet the father of my father.

Artiko: *looks at the two* I'm a grandfather. This is...amazing!

Okra: Hell yeah it is!

Celera: *lets out a breath of relief*

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