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Based on a sprite animation that I like

Daiko (Xeno): *grunts* What the hell is happening? All of this is wrong. You're not supposed to be alive!

Broly (Super Saiyan Four): *laughs* You think you can stop me?!

Daiko (Xeno): Tch! I need to stop this before those two wake up. I don't know what to do. *looks up* Could use some back up Chronoa!

Kohl (Xeno): *lands beside him* I'm here!

Daiko (Xeno): Great timing. *powers up* We need to take this guy down before he becomes a real problem.

Kohl (Xeno): Are you sure I can do this?

Daiko (Xeno): Everyone else is doing they're mission. *looks towards Kohl* We've got this. Besides. *looks towards Broly* I've got a back up plan.

Kohl (Xeno): Hope we don't need it.

Daiko (Xeno): Me too.

Goku Black: *stands beside them* Hmph!

Baby Vegeta: *powers up* Tch!

Daiko (Xeno): Damn it, they woke up!

Goku Black: Shush. You're here to stop this monster aren't you? I'm willing to let you two work for us.

Daiko (Xeno): *sighs* Fine, but you're next. Both of you. *looks at Baby Vegeta*

Baby Vegeta: Oh please. Let's just have some fun right now.

Kohl (Xeno): Daiko?

Daiko (Xeno): This is a temporary team up Kohl! *charges at Broly*

[Timeskip, this isn't the real fight in this part]

Daiko (Xeno): We did it. *fistbumps Kohl*

Kohl (Xeno): Yeah we did. Huh?

Daiko (Xeno): What's wrong? *remembers about the other two* Oh no.

Goku Black: Oh yes. *smirks as he had an earring on*

Kohl (Xeno): Daiko...!

Baby Vegeta: Allow us to say our thanks! *had an earring on as well as it glowed*

Daiko (Xeno): Kohl...we need some distance. Now! *flies off*

Kohl (Xeno): *flies and follows him* What now? We can't fight a fusion of them.

Daiko (Xeno): I know! *dodges a blast* What the?! *looks behind him*

Daiko (Xeno): I know! *dodges a blast* What the?! *looks behind him*

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Not mine

Baby Vegito Black: Leaving so soon? We haven't said our thanks! *fires a volley of blasts*

Daiko (Xeno): *he creates a barrier as it gets a crack with each blast* Didn't think I had to use these. *tosses something to Kohl* Here!

Kohl (Xeno): *catches it* Huh? *looks to see an earring* ...woah.

Drawings and Stuff 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora