We're Sisters!

18 3 5

Okra: Wait, so you were made from my father?

Celera: Pretty much. First I was a computer assistant for Daiko and then my collective consciousness was put into this new saiyan body.

Okra: ... *blinks* Woah...that's a lot to take in. How did he make a aged saiyan body?

Celera: I uh...rather not get into full detail. But what I can tell you is that he used his DNA to construct this body.

Okra: Wait! *puts her hands on her shoulders* Do you know what this means?

Celera: What?

Okra: We're sisters silly!

Celera: Sisters? *puts a finger to her chin* I guess that would be the case.

Okra: Come on! *grabs her hand* Let's go hangout! *drags her along*

Celera: Woah!

Daiko (Night): *smiles* Never thought of that either.

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