Weakness is good

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Daiko: We're home!

Daika: Welcome home you two. *hugs Daiko and Sorrel*

Daiko: *hugs back with a smile*

Sorrel: ... *pats her back and goes to his room*

Kumara: Is everything okay, Sorrel?

Sorrel: Yes. Just tired. Going to bed early. *reaches his room and closes the door*

Kohl: That's odd...Sorra was the same.

Daiko: Sorra?

Daika: Yeah...they've been like this for a while now. It's been bothering me ever since. I just don't know how to approach them.

Akumo: *looks up to their rooms* ...

[With Sorrel]

Sorrel: *takes off his gloves and puts them by his nightstand as he lays on his bed and looks up at the ceiling with an arm over his forehead* ... *lets out a long sigh as he closes his eyes* ...why...do I still feel like this?

Akumo: *was leaning against the wall* It's natural to feel emotion.

Sorrel: ! *sits up quickly but relaxes as he saw Akumo* Oh...it's you. Haven't you heard of knocking.

Akumo: I am knocking. *gets off the wall* Not at this door, but rather the door to your mind.

Sorrel: ...

Akumo: *spawns a chair and sits down* I know that you'd think I would be the last person to approach you with this. Are you okay?

Sorrel: ... *looks down*

Akumo: ... *sighs* Look, I'm not going to force you into anything that you're not comfortable with. Only when you're ready you may share with everyone. *gets up from his chair and heads towards the door*

Sorrel: ...I'm...upset.

Akumo: *stops as he kept his back towards Sorrel* ...upset by what?

Sorrel: ...sit down. It might be a while.

Akumo: *he turned his head to the side to look at Sorrel* I'm going to get Sorra. *leaves the room*

Sorrel: *sits at the edge of the bed* ...I can do this...

Akumo: *returns with Sorra following behind* Sit.

Sorra: *rubbed her arm as she sat next to Sorrel* ...

Akumo: *sits in his chair* I can sense that you two are bothered by something, but I can't say what for you. You'll have to tell me and then everyone else.

Sorrel: *looks at Sorra as he then takes a breath and faces Akumo* It's...about Argula.

Akumo: *raises a brow* Argula?

Sorra: Yeah...she just...comes out of no where and reunited with her children.

Akumo: Are you not her children as well?

Sorra: We know that but... *looks down*

Akumo: But? *looks at Sorrel* But what?

Sorrel: ...we've never had a chance to...see our birth mother...

Akumo: ...go on.

Sorrel: We were told that she was taken by the Saiyans of the olden times. Killed and left behind our home for our father to witness only for him to...be taken as well that same night.

Sorra: We were only kids when...they were gone...and still are...

Akumo: I see...so seeing Argula here reminds you of that memory...and all you've wanted was to see your parents one more time.

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