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Okra: Hey dad?

Daiko (Night): Yes Okra?

Okra: I've just realized something. Do you pay for your equipment? If so, where do you get the funding?

Daiko (Night): I uh...invented something. Yeah, "invented"

Okra: Really? What'd you do?

Daiko (Night): You know those Senzu beans?

Okra: Yeah?

Daiko (Night): Well, I took a few and I've altered it's affects and I grow them and sell.

Okra: Wait what? What do they do?

Daiko (Night): These beans can't heal any physical injuries but instead cure sickness and disease.

Okra: Wow. So if I have a cold I just pop one of these in my mouth?

Daiko (Night): Yes.

Okra: Flu?

Daiko (Night): Yes.

Okra: HIV?

Daiko (Night): Yes.

Okra: Heart Disease?

Daiko (Night): Yes. Any disease.

[Many Minutes Later]

Okra: *tosses him a ball* Diabetes?

Daiko (Night): *catches it* Yes. Both types. *tosses it back*

Okra: *catches* Hepatitis C? *throws*

Daiko (Night): *catches* Yes. ANY disease. *throws*

Okra: *catches* Cancer?

Daiko (Night): One, how do you know almost all known diseases? Two, there is no disease that these beans can't cure okay?

Okra: Do you have a name for them?

Daiko (Night): Of course I do...

Okra: *raises a brow* What are they called then?

Daiko (Night): ...Nausu Beans.

Okra: Nausu Beans?

Daiko (Night): It's Japanese for "cure", hence why I called them that just now—I mean...yeah.

Okra: *looked at him suspiciously* Ok...bye! *leaves the room*

Daika (Night): *rolls her chair next to his* You didn't have a name—

Daiko (Night): I didn't have a name for them until now...yeah.

Daika (Night): *picks a bean up* Hm...interesting.

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