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Lucan:My girlfriend is like google.

Alec:Because she knows everything?
Lucan:No, because she has everything I'm searching for.


Vulcannus: -This is Vulcannus, I need some advice.

Saxon:Oh, uh well what advice, your uh highnestest?Kingliness?Nobletiness?Uh, royal big man?


Thalleous: Come on, it's just like old times, I'll make sure no one gives you s**t today.

Achillean: You mean besides you?


Abbigail: You know what?Forget it, I'm not even shocked anymore.

Saxon: Oh, that's no fun.

Abbigail: This has become the norm for you two.

Trevor: We'll have to try harder next time.

Abbigail: Please don't.

Saxon: I feel like we've been issued a challenge.


Denny: Hey Trevor-woah, are you okay?

Trevor: Laying face flat on the floor Living is a curse and existence is a punishment.

Vulcannus: Saxon went on a date with some guy.

Saxon, walking in: Worst. Date. Ever. It was so damn boring!

Trevor, getting up: Life is a gift and existence is a blessing!


Xaria: In a crowd and can't find Lucan This calls for drastic measures.

Xaria: Yells NIKKA SUCKS!

Lucan: From across the room THE FRICK DID YOU JUST SAY?!

Niika: From behind YOU WANNA FIGHT XARIA?!

Xaria: Oh f-


Osivian: If we lose this you're out of the will.

Senn: I was in the will?


Saxon and Trevor kissing

Abbigail: Knocking loudly on the door What are you two doing in there?!

Saxon:Uh.... Drugs.


Skorch: This is getting tiresome. I just want to kill you, come out!

Alec: I'm gay!

Marcus: That's not what he meant, Alec-

Xaria: Same here!

Lucan: I'm asexual!

Skorch: I-

Kiyoshi: I'm bisexual.

Skorch: ...


Thalleous: This bloodline ends with me.

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