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Zulius:The Deathsinger is a diabolical,sadistic entity of evil.He might just be the single most dangerous ardoni in existence.


The Voltaris:*Arguing about pizza and causing chaos*

Ingressus:*Facepalming and internal screaming*


Niika:Lucan, you need to stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders!

Lucan:*Takes Niika by the waist and puts her on his shoulder* Sorry I can't.

Niika:What are you doing?!

Lucan:Carrying my world.


Kiyoshi:*Stays quiet*

Kiyoshi:Happens so often I'm basically immune by now.

Alec:I envy you


Ingressus:Did you take out Thalleous?

Tygren:Thalleous had been taken out, yes.

Ingressus:You have my grati-

Tygren:It was a great restaurant


Tygren:We had a romantic candle lit dinner.


Deltheus:Oh jeez the doors locked.

Deltheus:*Throws a chair though the window* Perfect.


Denny:*Randomly one night* Do fish feel wet all the time?



Abbigail:*A minute later*OH MY GOSH DO THEY?


Tygren:Thalleous, your a real b****.

Ingressus:TYGREN!There is no need to insult female dogs like that!


Tygren:Ingressus, you're a real Thalleous.

Ingressus:*Horrified gasping* You take that back.



Igneous:I value you almost as much as the library.

Borgen:Uh thanks?

Igneous, whispering:How are my compliments going?

Senn:Absolutely horrible.


Hubris:Fun?We can't fight the Voltaris with fun!

Senn:You should try it sometime.


*Shortly after Thalleous and Tygren start dating*

Tygren:But how are we supposed to tell Ingressus?He hates you!

Thalleous:Ok I have an idea...how about we don't tell him till marriage?


*Years later*

Tygren:Hey Ingressus?

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