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*Abbigail and Vulcannus are on their first date*

Denny and Pythus:*Spying from the bushes*

Denny:*Sees Pythus*You!What are YOU doing here!

Pythus:Uh making sure Vulcannus doesn't screw up his first date?What are YOU doing here!

Denny:Uh making sure he doesn't betray her?

Pythus:Ok fair but this spot is taken!

Denny:Nuh-uh I chose this spot yesterday!

Denny and Pythus:*Arguing*

Vulcannus:Just don't look over...

Abbigail:I'm trying not to.


Pythus:I invited you into the woods because I crave the most dangerous game...

Denny:*Nodding*Knife monopoly.


Pythus:I was actually going to hunt you for sport but now I'm interested in whatever the frick knife monopoly is.


Deltheus:Never have I ever been grounded by my parents.

Tygren, exasperated:Every time.He makes orphan jokes every time and he always wins.

Senn, horrified:I-


Niika:I'm not sure what this sentence means..

Lucan:"Ignorance is bold and knowledge is reserved"

Niika:You can read ancient ardonian?

Kiyoshi:You can read?


Lucan:That's cold Kiyoshi.


Ziniada:Any news?

Nurse:I'm just waiting for your X-Ray.

Ziniada:I've never dated anyone named Ray...

Nurse:And we might need to do a brain scan too.


Abbigail:We need a plan

Saxon:I have a plan.

Trevor:No yelling.

Denny:No cursing.

Abbigail:No explosions in any way.

Saxon:I no longer have a plan.


*Thallgren having dinner with the Voltaris*

Thalleous:*Accidently says something rude*

All the Voltaris:*Slowly take out their weapons*

Tygren:*With his head on the table*Please no...I like my husband not dead...7


*Saxon introducing Trevor to his family*

Saxon:I'd like you to meet my partner!

Family member:Like in crime or romantically?



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