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Ria: Trouble at 2 o'clock!

Hubris: *looks down at their watch*

Hubris: Now, how do you know that?


Abbigail: Here you go, Denny, a nice hot cup of coffee!

Denny: It's cold.

Abbigail: A nice cup of coffee.

Denny: It's horrible!

Abbigail: Cup of coffee.

Denny: I'm not sure if this even IS coffee.

Abbigail: CUP.


Niika: I have yet to encounter a problem where a sword didn't factor into the solution at least in some way.


Ingressus: Sleep is the body's best safety mechanism.

Achillean: How so?

Ingressus: It keeps you from screwing up for 8 hours.


Ria: Oh and for your information, I don't have an ego.

Ria: My facebook photo is a landscape.


Kiyoshi: Don't joke about murder. I was murdered once and it offends me.


Pythus: So, are you two dating now?

Vulcannus&Abbigail: Yes.

Pythus: Why?

Vulcannus: I happen to find Abbigail very appealing.

Pythus: Yeah, I can understand that. I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with Abbigail.


Chronos: While I'm gone, you're in charge Pythus.

Pythus: Yes!

Chronos, whispering to Vulcannus: You're secretly in charge, but I don't want him to feel bad.

Vulcannus: Obviously.


Niika: You're an idiot.

Lucan: That's the charm.


Lucidious: You guys worried about Ingressus?

Ziniada: Totally!

Tygren: Yeah, he called me in the middle of the night and just yelled, "what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do?"

Lucidious: And what'd you say?

Tygren: "I dunno, I dunno, I dunno, I dunno."


Lucidious: He's lucky to have you as a friend.


*Ziniada is cleaning the house and they find an empty bottle of orange juice*

Ziniada: Clear orange juice?

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